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AbstractFutureCallbackFailureHandler - Class in org.threadly.concurrent.future
AbstractFutureCallbackFailureHandler() - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.future.AbstractFutureCallbackFailureHandler
AbstractFutureCallbackResultHandler<T> - Class in org.threadly.concurrent.future
AbstractFutureCallbackResultHandler() - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.future.AbstractFutureCallbackResultHandler
AbstractPriorityScheduler - Class in org.threadly.concurrent
Abstract implementation for implementations of PrioritySchedulerService.
AbstractService - Class in org.threadly.util
An abstract implementation of the Service interface.
AbstractService() - Constructor for class org.threadly.util.AbstractService
AbstractSubmitterExecutor - Class in org.threadly.concurrent
Since the conversion to a SubmitterExecutor from an executor is often the same (just using the ListenableFutureTask to wrap the task).
AbstractSubmitterExecutor() - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.AbstractSubmitterExecutor
AbstractSubmitterScheduler - Class in org.threadly.concurrent
Similar to the AbstractSubmitterExecutor this abstract class is designed to reduce code duplication for the multiple schedule functions.
AbstractSubmitterScheduler() - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.AbstractSubmitterScheduler
accept(Throwable) - Method in interface org.threadly.util.ExceptionHandler
acceptConsumedItem(T) - Method in interface org.threadly.concurrent.BlockingQueueConsumer.ConsumerAcceptor
Called when ever the queue consumer has removed an item from the queue.
accurateForwardProgressingMillis() - Static method in class org.threadly.util.Clock
Returns an accurate amount of time in milliseconds since this class has loaded (starting at 0).
accurateTimeMillis() - Static method in class org.threadly.util.Clock
Updates the clock so that future calls to Clock.lastKnownTimeMillis() can benefit, and returns the accurate time in milliseconds.
accurateTimeNanos() - Static method in class org.threadly.util.Clock
This directly returns the result of System.nanoTime().
adapt(Runnable, T) - Static method in class org.threadly.concurrent.RunnableCallableAdapter
Adapt a Runnable and result into a Callable.
adaptExecutor(Executor) - Static method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.SubmitterExecutorAdapter
Ensures the provided Executor is of type SubmitterExecutor, adapting it with this class if necessary to provide the interface.
add(T) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.collections.ConcurrentArrayList
add(int, T) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.collections.ConcurrentArrayList
addAll(Collection<? extends T>) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.collections.ConcurrentArrayList
addAll(int, Collection<? extends T>) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.collections.ConcurrentArrayList
addCallback(FutureCallback<? super T>) - Method in interface org.threadly.concurrent.future.ListenableFuture
addCallback(FutureCallback<? super T>, Executor) - Method in interface org.threadly.concurrent.future.ListenableFuture
addCallback(FutureCallback<? super T>, Executor, ListenableFuture.ListenerOptimizationStrategy) - Method in interface org.threadly.concurrent.future.ListenableFuture
addFirst(T) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.collections.ConcurrentArrayList
addLast(T) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.collections.ConcurrentArrayList
addListener(T, Executor) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.event.DefaultExecutorListenerHelper
addListener(Runnable, Executor) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.event.DefaultExecutorRunnableListenerHelper
addListener(T) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.event.ListenerHelper
Adds a listener to be executed on the next to this instance.
addListener(T, Executor) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.event.ListenerHelper
Adds a listener to be executed on the next to this instance.
addListener(Runnable) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.event.RunnableListenerHelper
Adds a listener to be called.
addListener(Runnable, Executor) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.event.RunnableListenerHelper
Adds a listener to be called.
addListener(Runnable, Executor, Executor) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.event.RunnableListenerHelper
Adds a listener to be called.
addListener(Runnable) - Method in interface org.threadly.concurrent.future.ListenableFuture
addListener(Runnable, Executor) - Method in interface org.threadly.concurrent.future.ListenableFuture
addListener(Runnable, Executor, ListenableFuture.ListenerOptimizationStrategy) - Method in interface org.threadly.concurrent.future.ListenableFuture
addProfiledThread(Thread) - Method in class org.threadly.util.debug.ControlledThreadProfiler
Adds a thread to be checked by the running profiler.
adjustPoolSize(int) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.PriorityScheduler
Adjust the pools size by a given delta.
advance(long) - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestableScheduler
This is to provide a convince when advancing the scheduler forward an explicit amount of time.
advance(long, ExceptionHandler) - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestableScheduler
This is to provide a convince when advancing the scheduler forward an explicit amount of time.
allCharsMatch(Predicate<Character>, CharSequence) - Static method in class org.threadly.util.StringUtils
Check to see if all characters in a provided string match to a given Predicate.
anyCharsMatch(Predicate<Character>, CharSequence) - Static method in class org.threadly.util.StringUtils
Check to see if any characters in a provided string match to a given Predicate.
append(char) - Method in class org.threadly.util.StringBufferWriter
append(CharSequence) - Method in class org.threadly.util.StringBufferWriter
append(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class org.threadly.util.StringBufferWriter
append(char) - Method in class org.threadly.util.StringBuilderWriter
append(CharSequence) - Method in class org.threadly.util.StringBuilderWriter
append(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class org.threadly.util.StringBuilderWriter
appendPoolIdToPrefix(boolean) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.ConfigurableThreadFactory.ConfigurableThreadFactoryBuilder
Sets if a unique pool id should be appended to the prefix of thread names.
appendPoolIdToPrefix(boolean) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.ThreadReferencingThreadFactory.ThreadReferencingThreadFactoryBuilder
applyToLeft(Iterable<? extends Pair<? extends L, ?>>, Consumer<? super L>) - Static method in class org.threadly.util.Pair
Goes through source Iterable and provides all left entries to a given consumer.
applyToRight(Iterable<? extends Pair<?, ? extends R>>, Consumer<? super R>) - Static method in class org.threadly.util.Pair
Goes through source Iterable and provides all right entries to a given consumer.
ArrayIterator<T> - Class in org.threadly.util
Implementation of Iterator which will go over an Object array.
assertEquals(Object, Object) - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.AsyncVerifier
Verifies that the passed in values are equal using the o1.equals(o2) relationship.
assertFalse(boolean) - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.AsyncVerifier
Verifies that the passed in condition is false.
assertNotNull(Object) - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.AsyncVerifier
Verifies that the passed in object is not null.
assertNull(Object) - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.AsyncVerifier
Verifies that the passed in object is null.
assertTrue(boolean) - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.AsyncVerifier
Verifies that the passed in condition is true.
AsyncCallListenerHelper<T> - Class in org.threadly.concurrent.event
This class changes the behavior of how listeners are called from the parent class ListenerHelper.
AsyncCallListenerHelper(Class<? super T>, Executor) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.event.AsyncCallListenerHelper
Constructs a new AsyncCallListenerHelper that will handle listeners with the provided interface.
AsyncCallRunnableListenerHelper - Class in org.threadly.concurrent.event
This class changes the behavior of how listeners are called from the parent class RunnableListenerHelper.
AsyncCallRunnableListenerHelper(boolean, Executor) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.event.AsyncCallRunnableListenerHelper
AsyncVerifier - Class in org.threadly.test.concurrent
Now provided by org.threadly:threadly-test:0,1 artifact
AsyncVerifier() - Constructor for class org.threadly.test.concurrent.AsyncVerifier
Constructs a new AsyncVerifier.
AsyncVerifier.TestFailure - Exception in org.threadly.test.concurrent
Exception to represent a failure in a test assertion.
AUTOMATIC_UPDATE_FREQUENCY_IN_MS - Static variable in class org.threadly.util.Clock
This is the frequency at which the thread which regularly updates the clock wakes up and updates the time.
awaitTermination() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.PriorityScheduler
Block until the thread pool has shutdown and all threads have been stopped.
awaitTermination(long) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.PriorityScheduler
Block until the thread pool has shutdown and all threads have been stopped.
awaitTermination() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.SingleThreadScheduler
Block until the thread pool has shutdown and all threads have been stopped.
awaitTermination(long) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.SingleThreadScheduler
Block until the thread pool has shutdown and all threads have been stopped.
awaitTermination() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.UnfairExecutor
Block until the thread pool has shutdown and all threads have been stopped.
awaitTermination(long) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.UnfairExecutor
Block until the thread pool has shutdown and all threads have been stopped.
awaitTermination(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.compatibility.PrioritySchedulerServiceWrapper
awaitTermination(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.compatibility.SingleThreadSchedulerServiceWrapper


binarySearch(List<Long>, long, boolean) - Static method in class org.threadly.util.SortUtils
A faster binary search algorithm for sorting a list.
binarySearch(Function<Integer, Long>, int, long, boolean) - Static method in class org.threadly.util.SortUtils
A faster binary search algorithm for sorting a list.
BlockingQueueConsumer<T> - Class in org.threadly.concurrent
BlockingQueueConsumer(ThreadFactory, BlockingQueue<? extends T>, BlockingQueueConsumer.ConsumerAcceptor<? super T>) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.BlockingQueueConsumer
Constructs a new consumer, with a provided queue to consume from, and an acceptor to accept items.
BlockingQueueConsumer(ThreadFactory, String, BlockingQueue<? extends T>, BlockingQueueConsumer.ConsumerAcceptor<? super T>) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.BlockingQueueConsumer
Constructs a new consumer, with a provided queue to consume from, and an acceptor to accept items.
BlockingQueueConsumer<T> - Class in org.threadly.concurrent.processing
This class is designed for handling the threading and consumption of a high throughput BlockingQueue.
BlockingQueueConsumer(ThreadFactory, BlockingQueue<? extends T>) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.processing.BlockingQueueConsumer
Constructs a new consumer, with a provided queue to consume from, and an acceptor to accept items.
BlockingQueueConsumer.ConsumerAcceptor<T> - Interface in org.threadly.concurrent
Interface for an implementation which can accept consumed tasks.
blockingTick(ExceptionHandler) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.NoThreadScheduler
This is similar to NoThreadScheduler.tick(ExceptionHandler), except that it will block until there are tasks ready to run, or until NoThreadScheduler.cancelTick() is invoked.
blockTillAllComplete(Future<?>...) - Static method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.FutureUtils
This call blocks till all futures in the list have completed.
blockTillAllComplete(Iterable<? extends Future<?>>) - Static method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.FutureUtils
This call blocks till all futures in the list have completed.
blockTillAllComplete(Iterable<? extends Future<?>>, long) - Static method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.FutureUtils
This call blocks till all futures in the list have completed.
blockTillAllCompleteOrFirstError(Future<?>...) - Static method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.FutureUtils
This call blocks till all futures in the list have completed.
blockTillAllCompleteOrFirstError(Iterable<? extends Future<?>>) - Static method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.FutureUtils
This call blocks till all futures in the list have completed.
blockTillAllCompleteOrFirstError(Iterable<? extends Future<?>>, long) - Static method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.FutureUtils
This call blocks till all futures in the list have completed.
blockTillClockAdvances() - Static method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestUtils
Blocks until the System clock advances at least 1 millisecond.
blockTillFinished() - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestRunnable
Blocks until run has completed at least once.
blockTillFinished(int) - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestRunnable
Blocks until run has completed at least once.
blockTillFinished(int, int) - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestRunnable
Blocks until run completed been called the provided quantity of times.
blockTillStarted() - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestRunnable
Blocks until run has been called at least once.
blockTillStarted(int) - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestRunnable
Blocks until run has been called at least once.
blockTillTrue() - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestCondition
Blocks till condition is true, useful for asynchronism operations, waiting for them to complete in other threads during unit tests.
blockTillTrue(int) - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestCondition
Blocks till condition is true, useful for asynchronism operations, waiting for them to complete in other threads during unit tests.
blockTillTrue(int, int) - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestCondition
Blocks till condition is true, useful for asynchronism operations, waiting for them to complete in other threads during unit tests.
BOOLEAN_FALSE_RESULT - Static variable in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.ImmediateResultListenableFuture
Static instance of ImmediateResultListenableFuture which provides a Boolean in the false state as the result.
BOOLEAN_TRUE_RESULT - Static variable in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.ImmediateResultListenableFuture
Static instance of ImmediateResultListenableFuture which provides a Boolean in the true state as the result.
build() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.ConfigurableThreadFactory.ConfigurableThreadFactoryBuilder
Call to construct the ConfigurableThreadFactory when configuration is ready.
build() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.ThreadReferencingThreadFactory.ThreadReferencingThreadFactoryBuilder
Call to construct the ThreadReferencingThreadFactory when configuration is ready.
builder() - Static method in class org.threadly.concurrent.ConfigurableThreadFactory
Construct a new builder as an alternative to the large full parameter constructor when multiple features are needing to be configured.
builder() - Static method in class org.threadly.concurrent.ThreadReferencingThreadFactory
Construct a new builder as an alternative to the large full parameter constructor when multiple features are needing to be configured.


call() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.event.ListenerHelper
Calls to notify the subscribed listeners with the given call.
call() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.RunnableCallableAdapter
CallableContainer<T> - Interface in org.threadly.concurrent
Interface to implement if any classes are containing a callable.
callback(FutureCallback<? super T>, Executor, ListenableFuture.ListenerOptimizationStrategy) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.ImmediateFailureListenableFuture
callback(FutureCallback<? super T>, Executor, ListenableFuture.ListenerOptimizationStrategy) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.ImmediateResultListenableFuture
callback(FutureCallback<? super T>) - Method in interface org.threadly.concurrent.future.ListenableFuture
Add a FutureCallback to be called once the future has completed.
callback(FutureCallback<? super T>, Executor) - Method in interface org.threadly.concurrent.future.ListenableFuture
Add a FutureCallback to be called once the future has completed.
callback(FutureCallback<? super T>, Executor, ListenableFuture.ListenerOptimizationStrategy) - Method in interface org.threadly.concurrent.future.ListenableFuture
Add a FutureCallback to be called once the future has completed.
callback(FutureCallback<? super T>, Executor, ListenableFuture.ListenerOptimizationStrategy) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.ScheduledFutureDelegate
callback(FutureCallback<? super T>, Executor, ListenableFuture.ListenerOptimizationStrategy) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.SettableListenableFuture
callListeners() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.event.AsyncCallRunnableListenerHelper
callListeners() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.event.RunnableListenerHelper
Will call all listeners that are registered with this helper.
cancel(boolean) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.CancelDebuggingListenableFuture
cancel(boolean) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.ScheduledFutureDelegate
cancel(boolean) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.SettableListenableFuture
CancelDebuggingListenableFuture<T> - Class in org.threadly.concurrent.future
Wrapper for a ListenableFuture to provide enhanced features for debugging the state at which at which it was canceled.
CancelDebuggingListenableFuture(ListenableFuture<T>) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.future.CancelDebuggingListenableFuture
Construct a new CancelDebuggingListenableFuture by wrapping the provided future.
CancelDebuggingListenableFuture.FutureProcessingStack - Exception in org.threadly.concurrent.future
Throwable that is not thrown, but instead added as a cause to indicate the processing stack trace at the time of cancellation.
cancelIncompleteFutures(Iterable<? extends Future<?>>, boolean) - Static method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.FutureUtils
Invoked Future.cancel(boolean) for every future in this collection.
cancelIncompleteFuturesIfAnyFail(boolean, Iterable<? extends ListenableFuture<?>>, boolean) - Static method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.FutureUtils
Provide a group of futures and cancel all of them if any of them are canceled or fail.
cancelTick() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.NoThreadScheduler
Call to cancel current or the next tick call.
CentralThreadlyPool - Class in org.threadly.concurrent
Threadly's centrally provided pool manager.
CentralThreadlyPool() - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.CentralThreadlyPool
centralWatchdog(boolean) - Static method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.watchdog.MixedTimeWatchdog
Return a static / shared MixedTimeWatchdog instance.
centralWatchdogCache(boolean) - Static method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.WatchdogCache
Return a static / shared WatchdogCache instance.
changeStackOverflowCheckFrequency(int) - Static method in class org.threadly.util.ExceptionUtils
Update how often the check for StackOverflowErrors being produced in ExceptionUtils.handleException(Throwable).
charAt(int) - Method in class org.threadly.util.StringBufferWriter
charAt(int) - Method in class org.threadly.util.StringBuilderWriter
clear() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.collections.ConcurrentArrayList
clearListeners() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.event.ListenerHelper
Removes all listeners currently registered.
clearListeners() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.event.RunnableListenerHelper
Removes all listeners currently registered.
clearResult() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.SettableListenableFuture
Clears the stored result from this set future.
clearTasks() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.NoThreadScheduler
Removes any tasks waiting to be run.
clearTasks() - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestableScheduler
Removes any tasks waiting to be run.
Clock - Class in org.threadly.util
This is a utility class for low-resolution timing which avoids frequent System.currentTimeMillis() calls (which perform poorly because they require system calls).
Clock() - Constructor for class org.threadly.util.Clock
close() - Method in class org.threadly.util.StringBufferWriter
close() - Method in class org.threadly.util.StringBuilderWriter
collectLeft(Collection<? extends Pair<? extends T, ?>>) - Static method in class org.threadly.util.Pair
Collect all the non-null left references into a new List.
collectRight(Collection<? extends Pair<?, ? extends T>>) - Static method in class org.threadly.util.Pair
Collect all the non-null right references into a new List.
compareTo(Delayed) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.ScheduledFutureDelegate
CompletableFutureAdapter - Class in org.threadly.concurrent.future
This class helps in converting between threadly's ListenableFuture and java's provided CompletableFuture.
CompletableFutureAdapter() - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.future.CompletableFutureAdapter
computationPool() - Static method in class org.threadly.concurrent.CentralThreadlyPool
Thread pool well suited for running CPU intensive computations on the tasks thread.
computationPool(String) - Static method in class org.threadly.concurrent.CentralThreadlyPool
Thread pool well suited for running CPU intensive computations on the tasks thread.
ConcurrentArrayList<T> - Class in org.threadly.concurrent.collections
A thread safe list implementation with an array back end.
ConcurrentArrayList() - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.collections.ConcurrentArrayList
Constructs a new ConcurrentArrayList with a new internal NativeLock implementation.
ConcurrentArrayList(int, int) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.collections.ConcurrentArrayList
Constructs a new ConcurrentArrayList with specific padding.
ConditionTimeoutException() - Constructor for exception org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestCondition.ConditionTimeoutException
Constructor for new TimeoutException.
ConditionTimeoutException(String) - Constructor for exception org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestCondition.ConditionTimeoutException
Constructor for new TimeoutException.
ConfigurableThreadFactory - Class in org.threadly.concurrent
Implementation of ThreadFactory which is configurable for the most common use cases.
ConfigurableThreadFactory() - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.ConfigurableThreadFactory
Constructs a new ConfigurableThreadFactory with the default parameters.
ConfigurableThreadFactory(String, boolean) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.ConfigurableThreadFactory
Constructs a new ConfigurableThreadFactory specifying the prefix for the name of newly created threads.
ConfigurableThreadFactory(boolean) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.ConfigurableThreadFactory
Constructs a new ConfigurableThreadFactory specifying the behavior for if threads should be daemon or not.
ConfigurableThreadFactory(int) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.ConfigurableThreadFactory
Constructs a new ConfigurableThreadFactory specifying the priority for produced threads.
ConfigurableThreadFactory(Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.ConfigurableThreadFactory
Constructs a new ConfigurableThreadFactory specifying an Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler that will be provided to all newly created threads.
ConfigurableThreadFactory(ExceptionHandler) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.ConfigurableThreadFactory
Constructs a new ConfigurableThreadFactory specifying an ExceptionHandler that will be provided to all newly created threads.
ConfigurableThreadFactory(String, boolean, boolean, int, Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler, ExceptionHandler) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.ConfigurableThreadFactory
Constructs a new ConfigurableThreadFactory allowing you to provide specific values for everything which this class allows to be configured.
ConfigurableThreadFactory.ConfigurableThreadFactoryBuilder - Class in org.threadly.concurrent
Builder for configuring a new ConfigurableThreadFactory.
ConfigurableThreadFactoryBuilder() - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.ConfigurableThreadFactory.ConfigurableThreadFactoryBuilder
ConstantTimeWatchdog - Class in org.threadly.concurrent.future.watchdog
This class is to guarantee that a given ListenableFuture is completed within a timeout.
ConstantTimeWatchdog(long, boolean) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.future.watchdog.ConstantTimeWatchdog
Constructs a new ConstantTimeWatchdog.
ConstantTimeWatchdog(SubmitterScheduler, long, boolean) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.future.watchdog.ConstantTimeWatchdog
Constructs a new ConstantTimeWatchdog with a scheduler of your choosing.
consumeQueue(Queue<? extends T>, Consumer<? super T>) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.Poller
Consumes from a queue, checking for items and providing them to a Consumer as they become available.
consumeQueue(Queue<? extends T>, Consumer<? super T>, ExceptionHandler) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.Poller
Consumes from a queue, checking for items and providing them to a Consumer as they become available.
ContainerHelper - Class in org.threadly.concurrent
Typically used only internally by the threadly library.
ContainerHelper() - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.ContainerHelper
contains(Object) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.collections.ConcurrentArrayList
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.collections.ConcurrentArrayList
containsLeft(Iterable<? extends Pair<?, ?>>, Object) - Static method in class org.threadly.util.Pair
Simple search to see if a collection of pairs contains a given left value.
containsRight(Iterable<? extends Pair<?, ?>>, Object) - Static method in class org.threadly.util.Pair
Simple search to see if a collection of pairs contains a given right value.
ControlledThreadProfiler - Class in org.threadly.util.debug
This class functions very similar to the Profiler.
ControlledThreadProfiler() - Constructor for class org.threadly.util.debug.ControlledThreadProfiler
Constructs a new profiler instance.
ControlledThreadProfiler(int) - Constructor for class org.threadly.util.debug.ControlledThreadProfiler
Constructs a new profiler instance.
convertMap(Map<? extends L, ? extends R>) - Static method in class org.threadly.util.Pair
Convert a map into a list of Pair's where the left side of the pair contains the value and the right side is the corresponding value.
countFuturesWithResult(Iterable<? extends Future<?>>, T) - Static method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.FutureUtils
Counts how many futures provided completed with a result that matches the one provided here.
countFuturesWithResult(Iterable<? extends Future<?>>, T, long) - Static method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.FutureUtils
Counts how many futures provided completed with a result that matches the one provided here.


DebugLogger - Class in org.threadly.util.debug
Often times when trying to understand a concurrency issue, adding logging may solve that problem.
DebugLogger() - Constructor for class org.threadly.util.debug.DebugLogger
DefaultExecutorListenerHelper<T> - Class in org.threadly.concurrent.event
This class ensures that listener execution will never happen on the thread that invokes
DefaultExecutorListenerHelper(Class<? super T>, Executor) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.event.DefaultExecutorListenerHelper
Constructs a new DefaultExecutorListenerHelper that will handle listeners with the provided interface.
DefaultExecutorRunnableListenerHelper - Class in org.threadly.concurrent.event
This class ensures that listener execution will never happen on the thread that invokes RunnableListenerHelper.callListeners().
DefaultExecutorRunnableListenerHelper(boolean, Executor) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.event.DefaultExecutorRunnableListenerHelper
DefaultPriorityWrapper - Class in org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.priority
Class to wrap any implementation of PrioritySchedulerService.
DefaultPriorityWrapper(PrioritySchedulerService, TaskPriority) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.priority.DefaultPriorityWrapper
Constructs a new priority wrapper with a new default priority to use.
descendingIterator() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.collections.ConcurrentArrayList
DoNothingRunnable - Class in org.threadly.concurrent
Runnable implementation which does no action.
DoNothingRunnable() - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.DoNothingRunnable
Please use DoNothingRunnable.instance() instead
dump() - Method in class org.threadly.util.debug.Profiler
Output all the currently collected statistics to the provided output stream.
dump(boolean) - Method in class org.threadly.util.debug.Profiler
Output all the currently collected statistics to the provided output stream.
dump(OutputStream) - Method in class org.threadly.util.debug.Profiler
Output all the currently collected statistics to the provided output stream.
dump(OutputStream, boolean) - Method in class org.threadly.util.debug.Profiler
Output all the currently collected statistics to the provided output stream.
dump(PrintStream) - Method in class org.threadly.util.debug.Profiler
Output all the currently collected statistics to the provided output stream.
dump(PrintStream, boolean) - Method in class org.threadly.util.debug.Profiler
Output all the currently collected statistics to the provided output stream.
dumpStackCounts() - Method in class org.threadly.util.debug.StackTracker
Check how many unique stack traces have been recorded.


element() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.collections.ConcurrentArrayList
EMPTY_ENUMERATION_RESULT - Static variable in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.ImmediateResultListenableFuture
Static instance of ImmediateResultListenableFuture which provides an empty Enumeration from Collections.emptyEnumeration() as the result.
EMPTY_ITERATOR_RESULT - Static variable in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.ImmediateResultListenableFuture
Static instance of ImmediateResultListenableFuture which provides an empty Iterator from Collections.emptyIterator() as the result.
EMPTY_LIST_ITERATOR_RESULT - Static variable in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.ImmediateResultListenableFuture
Static instance of ImmediateResultListenableFuture which provides an empty ListIterator from Collections.emptyListIterator() as the result.
EMPTY_LIST_RESULT - Static variable in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.ImmediateResultListenableFuture
Static instance of ImmediateResultListenableFuture which provides an empty List from Collections.emptyList() as the result.
EMPTY_MAP_RESULT - Static variable in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.ImmediateResultListenableFuture
Static instance of ImmediateResultListenableFuture which provides an empty Map from Collections.emptyMap() as the result.
EMPTY_OPTIONAL_RESULT - Static variable in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.ImmediateResultListenableFuture
Static instance of ImmediateResultListenableFuture which provides an empty Optional from Optional.empty() as the result.
EMPTY_SET_RESULT - Static variable in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.ImmediateResultListenableFuture
Static instance of ImmediateResultListenableFuture which provides an empty Set from Collections.emptySet() as the result.
EMPTY_SORTED_MAP_RESULT - Static variable in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.ImmediateResultListenableFuture
Static instance of ImmediateResultListenableFuture which provides an empty SortedMap from Collections.emptyMap() as the result.
EMPTY_SORTED_SET_RESULT - Static variable in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.ImmediateResultListenableFuture
Static instance of ImmediateResultListenableFuture which provides an empty SortedSet from Collections.emptySet() as the result.
EMPTY_STRING_RESULT - Static variable in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.ImmediateResultListenableFuture
Static instance of ImmediateResultListenableFuture which provides an empty String as the result.
emptyToNull(String) - Static method in class org.threadly.util.StringUtils
Converts an empty string into a null.
ensurePriority(PrioritySchedulerService, TaskPriority) - Static method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.priority.DefaultPriorityWrapper
Convenience function for wrapping the scheduler if the default priority is not what is desired.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.collections.ConcurrentArrayList
equals(Object) - Method in class org.threadly.util.Pair
exceptionHandler(ExceptionHandler) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.ConfigurableThreadFactory.ConfigurableThreadFactoryBuilder
Sets an ExceptionHandler to be set for these newly created threads.
exceptionHandler(ExceptionHandler) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.ThreadReferencingThreadFactory.ThreadReferencingThreadFactoryBuilder
ExceptionHandler - Interface in org.threadly.util
Interface for implementation to handle exceptions which occur.
ExceptionUtils - Class in org.threadly.util
Utilities for doing basic operations with exceptions.
ExceptionUtils() - Constructor for class org.threadly.util.ExceptionUtils
ExceptionUtils.TransformedException - Exception in org.threadly.util
Exception which is constructed from ExceptionUtils.makeRuntime(Throwable) when the exception was not a runtime exception.
ExceptionUtils.TransformedSuppressedStackException - Exception in org.threadly.util
Exception which is constructed from ExceptionUtils.makeRuntime(Throwable, boolean) when the exception was not a runtime exception, and stack is being suppressed.
execute(Runnable, TaskPriority) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.AbstractPriorityScheduler
execute(Runnable) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.AbstractSubmitterExecutor
execute(Runnable, TaskPriority) - Method in interface org.threadly.concurrent.PrioritySchedulerService
Executes the task as soon as possible for the given priority.
execute(Runnable) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.SameThreadSubmitterExecutor
execute(Runnable) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.interceptor.ExecutorTaskInterceptor
execute(Runnable, TaskPriority) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.interceptor.PrioritySchedulerTaskInterceptor
execute(Object, Runnable) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.KeyDistributedExecutor
Provide a task to be run with a given thread key.
execute(Runnable) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.ExecutorLimiter
execute(Object, Runnable) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.KeyedRateLimiterExecutor
Provide a task to be run with a given thread key.
execute(double, Object, Runnable) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.KeyedRateLimiterExecutor
Provide a task to be run with a given thread key.
execute(Runnable, TaskPriority) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.PrioritySchedulerServiceQueueLimitRejector
execute(Runnable) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.RateLimiterExecutor
execute(double, Runnable) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.RateLimiterExecutor
Exact same as execute counter part, except you can specify how many permits this task will require/use (instead of defaulting to 1).
execute(Runnable) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.priority.DefaultPriorityWrapper
execute(Runnable, TaskPriority) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.priority.DefaultPriorityWrapper
execute(Runnable, TaskPriority) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.priority.PriorityDelegatingScheduler
execute(Runnable, TaskPriority) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.traceability.ThreadRenamingPriorityScheduler
ExecuteOnGetFutureTask<T> - Class in org.threadly.concurrent.future
This future task has a special ability to start execution in the thread requesting the ExecuteOnGetFutureTask.get() IF it has not already started.
ExecuteOnGetFutureTask(Runnable) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.future.ExecuteOnGetFutureTask
Constructs a runnable future with a runnable work unit.
ExecuteOnGetFutureTask(Runnable, T) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.future.ExecuteOnGetFutureTask
Constructs a runnable future with a runnable work unit.
ExecuteOnGetFutureTask(Callable<T>) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.future.ExecuteOnGetFutureTask
Constructs a runnable future with a callable work unit.
executeWhile(Callable<? extends ListenableFuture<? extends T>>, Predicate<? super T>) - Static method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.FutureUtils
Similar to FutureUtils.scheduleWhile(SubmitterScheduler, long, boolean, Callable, Predicate) except that no executor is needed because the callable instead will return a future from the provided async submission (which may be a scheduled task or otherwise).
executeWhile(Callable<? extends ListenableFuture<? extends T>>, Predicate<? super T>, long, boolean) - Static method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.FutureUtils
Similar to FutureUtils.scheduleWhile(SubmitterScheduler, long, boolean, Callable, Predicate, long, boolean) except that no executor is needed because the callable instead will return a future from the provided async submission (which may be a scheduled task or otherwise).
executeWhile(ListenableFuture<? extends T>, Callable<? extends ListenableFuture<? extends T>>, Predicate<? super T>) - Static method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.FutureUtils
Similar to FutureUtils.scheduleWhile(SubmitterScheduler, long, ListenableFuture, Callable, Predicate) except that no executor is needed because the callable instead will return a future from the provided async submission (which may be a scheduled task or otherwise).
executeWhile(ListenableFuture<? extends T>, Callable<? extends ListenableFuture<? extends T>>, Predicate<? super T>, long, boolean) - Static method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.FutureUtils
Similar to FutureUtils.scheduleWhile(SubmitterScheduler, long, ListenableFuture, Callable, Predicate, long, boolean) except that no executor is needed because the callable instead will return a future from the provided async submission (which may be a scheduled task or otherwise).
ExecutorLimiter - Class in org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter
This class is designed to limit how much parallel execution happens on a provided Executor.
ExecutorLimiter(Executor, int) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.ExecutorLimiter
Construct a new execution limiter that implements the Executor interface.
ExecutorLimiter(Executor, int, boolean) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.ExecutorLimiter
Construct a new execution limiter that implements the Executor interface.
ExecutorQueueLimitRejector - Class in org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter
A simple way to limit any Executor so that queues are managed.
ExecutorQueueLimitRejector(Executor, int) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.ExecutorQueueLimitRejector
Constructs a new ExecutorQueueLimitRejector with the provided scheduler and limit.
ExecutorQueueLimitRejector(Executor, int, RejectedExecutionHandler) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.ExecutorQueueLimitRejector
Constructs a new ExecutorQueueLimitRejector with the provided scheduler and limit.
ExecutorStatisticWrapper - Class in org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.statistics
Wrap an Executor to get statistics based off executions through this wrapper.
ExecutorStatisticWrapper(Executor) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.statistics.ExecutorStatisticWrapper
Constructs a new statistics tracker wrapper for a given executor.
ExecutorStatisticWrapper(Executor, boolean) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.statistics.ExecutorStatisticWrapper
Constructs a new statistics tracker wrapper for a given executor.
ExecutorStatisticWrapper(Executor, int) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.statistics.ExecutorStatisticWrapper
Constructs a new statistics tracker wrapper for a given executor.
ExecutorStatisticWrapper(Executor, int, boolean) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.statistics.ExecutorStatisticWrapper
Constructs a new statistics tracker wrapper for a given executor.
ExecutorTaskInterceptor - Class in org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.interceptor
Class to wrap Executor pool so that tasks can be intercepted and either wrapped, or modified, before being submitted to the pool.
ExecutorTaskInterceptor(Executor, Function<Runnable, Runnable>) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.interceptor.ExecutorTaskInterceptor
Constructs a wrapper for Executor pool so that tasks can be intercepted and modified, before being submitted to the pool.


fail() - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.AsyncVerifier
Marks a failure with no cause.
fail(String) - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.AsyncVerifier
Marks a failure with a specified message.
fail(Throwable) - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.AsyncVerifier
Marks a failure with a specified throwable cause.
failureCallback(Consumer<Throwable>, Executor, ListenableFuture.ListenerOptimizationStrategy) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.ImmediateFailureListenableFuture
failureCallback(Consumer<Throwable>, Executor, ListenableFuture.ListenerOptimizationStrategy) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.ImmediateResultListenableFuture
failureCallback(Consumer<Throwable>) - Method in interface org.threadly.concurrent.future.ListenableFuture
Add a Consumer to be called once the future has completed.
failureCallback(Consumer<Throwable>, Executor) - Method in interface org.threadly.concurrent.future.ListenableFuture
Add a Consumer to be called once the future has completed.
failureCallback(Consumer<Throwable>, Executor, ListenableFuture.ListenerOptimizationStrategy) - Method in interface org.threadly.concurrent.future.ListenableFuture
Add a Consumer to be called once the future has completed.
failureCallback(Consumer<Throwable>, Executor, ListenableFuture.ListenerOptimizationStrategy) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.ScheduledFutureDelegate
failureCallback(Consumer<Throwable>, Executor, ListenableFuture.ListenerOptimizationStrategy) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.SettableListenableFuture
fillInStackTrace() - Method in exception org.threadly.util.StackSuppressedRuntimeException
FilteredStackProfiler - Class in org.threadly.util.debug
This class functions very similar to the Profiler.
FilteredStackProfiler(String) - Constructor for class org.threadly.util.debug.FilteredStackProfiler
Constructs a new profiler instance.
FilteredStackProfiler(Predicate<StackTraceElement[]>) - Constructor for class org.threadly.util.debug.FilteredStackProfiler
Constructs a new profiler instance.
FilteredStackProfiler(int, String) - Constructor for class org.threadly.util.debug.FilteredStackProfiler
Constructs a new profiler instance.
FilteredStackProfiler(int, Predicate<StackTraceElement[]>) - Constructor for class org.threadly.util.debug.FilteredStackProfiler
Constructs a new profiler instance.
flatMap(ListenableFuture<R>) - Method in interface org.threadly.concurrent.future.ListenableFuture
Convenience function for mapping this future in with an existing future, ignoring the result of this current future.
flatMap(Function<? super T, ListenableFuture<R>>) - Method in interface org.threadly.concurrent.future.ListenableFuture
Similar to, in that this will apply a mapper function once the applied to future completes.
flatMap(Function<? super T, ListenableFuture<R>>, Executor) - Method in interface org.threadly.concurrent.future.ListenableFuture
Similar to, Executor), in that this will apply a mapper function once the applied to future completes.
flatMap(Function<? super T, ListenableFuture<R>>, Executor, ListenableFuture.ListenerOptimizationStrategy) - Method in interface org.threadly.concurrent.future.ListenableFuture
Similar to, Executor), in that this will apply a mapper function once the applied to future completes.
flatMapFailure(Class<TT>, Function<? super TT, ListenableFuture<T>>) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.ImmediateResultListenableFuture
flatMapFailure(Class<TT>, Function<? super TT, ListenableFuture<T>>, Executor) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.ImmediateResultListenableFuture
flatMapFailure(Class<TT>, Function<? super TT, ListenableFuture<T>>, Executor, ListenableFuture.ListenerOptimizationStrategy) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.ImmediateResultListenableFuture
flatMapFailure(Class<TT>, Function<? super TT, ListenableFuture<T>>) - Method in interface org.threadly.concurrent.future.ListenableFuture
Similar to ListenableFuture.mapFailure(Class, Function) except that this mapper function returns a ListenableFuture if it needs to map the Throwable / failure into a result or another failure.
flatMapFailure(Class<TT>, Function<? super TT, ListenableFuture<T>>, Executor) - Method in interface org.threadly.concurrent.future.ListenableFuture
Similar to ListenableFuture.mapFailure(Class, Function, Executor) except that this mapper function returns a ListenableFuture if it needs to map the Throwable / failure into a result or another failure.
flatMapFailure(Class<TT>, Function<? super TT, ListenableFuture<T>>, Executor, ListenableFuture.ListenerOptimizationStrategy) - Method in interface org.threadly.concurrent.future.ListenableFuture
Similar to ListenableFuture.mapFailure(Class, Function, Executor, ListenerOptimizationStrategy) except that this mapper function returns a ListenableFuture if it needs to map the Throwable into a result or another failure.
FlowControlledNoFailureProcessor<T> - Class in org.threadly.concurrent.processing
Implementation of FlowControlledProcessor which assumes all exceptions are unexpected.
FlowControlledNoFailureProcessor(int, boolean) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.processing.FlowControlledNoFailureProcessor
Construct a new processor.
FlowControlledNoResultProcessor - Class in org.threadly.concurrent.processing
Implementation of FlowControlledProcessor which reduces boiler plate code when no result is expected.
FlowControlledNoResultProcessor(int) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.processing.FlowControlledNoResultProcessor
Construct a new processor.
FlowControlledProcessor<T> - Class in org.threadly.concurrent.processing
Abstract implementation which will do async processing, but only submit a limited number of tasks processing concurrently.
FlowControlledProcessor(int, boolean) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.processing.FlowControlledProcessor
Construct a new processor.
flush() - Method in class org.threadly.util.StringBufferWriter
flush() - Method in class org.threadly.util.StringBuilderWriter
forwardProgressingDuration(long) - Static method in class org.threadly.util.Clock
Finds the duration in milliseconds from the reference time.
FutureCallback<T> - Interface in org.threadly.concurrent.future
Callback for accepting the results of a future once the future has completed.
FutureCallbackExceptionHandlerAdapter - Class in org.threadly.concurrent.future
FutureCallbackExceptionHandlerAdapter(ExceptionHandler) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.future.FutureCallbackExceptionHandlerAdapter
Construct a new FutureCallbackExceptionHandlerAdapter with the provided handler implementation.
FutureCallbackFailureHandler - Class in org.threadly.concurrent.future
FutureCallbackFailureHandler(Consumer<Throwable>) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.future.FutureCallbackFailureHandler
Construct a new failure handler with the provided consumer that failures will be provided to.
FutureCallbackResultHandler<T> - Class in org.threadly.concurrent.future
FutureCallbackResultHandler(Consumer<T>) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.future.FutureCallbackResultHandler
Construct a new result handler with the provided consumer that results will be provided to.
FutureUtils - Class in org.threadly.concurrent.future
A collection of small utilities for handling futures.
FutureUtils() - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.future.FutureUtils


get(int) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.collections.ConcurrentArrayList
get() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.CancelDebuggingListenableFuture
get(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.CancelDebuggingListenableFuture
get() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.ExecuteOnGetFutureTask
get() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.ImmediateFailureListenableFuture
get(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.ImmediateFailureListenableFuture
get() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.ImmediateResultListenableFuture
get(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.ImmediateResultListenableFuture
get() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.ScheduledFutureDelegate
get(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.ScheduledFutureDelegate
get() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.SettableListenableFuture
get(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.SettableListenableFuture
get() - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestCondition
Getter for the conditions current state.
getActiveTaskCount() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.NoThreadScheduler
getActiveTaskCount() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.PriorityScheduler
Call to check how many tasks are currently being executed in this thread pool.
getActiveTaskCount() - Method in interface org.threadly.concurrent.SchedulerService
Call to check how many tasks are currently being executed in this scheduler.
getActiveTaskCount() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.SingleThreadScheduler
getActiveTaskCount() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.interceptor.SchedulerServiceTaskInterceptor
getActiveTaskCount() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.KeyedSchedulerServiceLimiter
Call to check how many tasks are currently being executed in this scheduler.
getActiveTaskCount() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.SchedulerServiceLimiter
getActiveTaskCount() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.SchedulerServiceQueueLimitRejector
getActiveTaskCount() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.SingleThreadSchedulerSubPool
getActiveTaskCount() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.priority.DefaultPriorityWrapper
getActiveTaskCount() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.priority.PriorityDelegatingScheduler
getActiveTaskCount() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.traceability.ThreadRenamingPriorityScheduler
getActiveTaskCount() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.traceability.ThreadRenamingSchedulerService
getActiveTaskCount() - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestableScheduler
getAllStoredMessages() - Static method in class org.threadly.util.debug.DebugLogger
Request to get and clear all currently stored log messages.
getAllStoredMessages(boolean) - Static method in class org.threadly.util.debug.DebugLogger
Request to get and clear all currently stored log messages.
getAverage(Collection<? extends Number>) - Static method in class org.threadly.util.StatisticsUtils
Calculates the average from a collection of numeric values.
getAverageExecutionDelay() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.NoThreadSchedulerStatisticTracker
getAverageExecutionDelay(TaskPriority) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.NoThreadSchedulerStatisticTracker
getAverageExecutionDelay() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.PrioritySchedulerStatisticTracker
getAverageExecutionDelay(TaskPriority) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.PrioritySchedulerStatisticTracker
getAverageExecutionDelay() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.SingleThreadSchedulerStatisticTracker
getAverageExecutionDelay(TaskPriority) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.SingleThreadSchedulerStatisticTracker
getAverageExecutionDelay() - Method in interface org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.StatisticExecutor
This reports the rolling average delay from when a task was expected to run, till when the executor actually started the task.
getAverageExecutionDelay() - Method in interface org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.StatisticPriorityScheduler
This reports the rolling average delay from when a task was expected to run, till when the executor actually started the task.
getAverageExecutionDelay(TaskPriority) - Method in interface org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.StatisticPriorityScheduler
Gets the average delay from when the task is ready, to when it is actually executed.
getAverageExecutionDelay() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.statistics.ExecutorStatisticWrapper
getAverageExecutionDuration() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.NoThreadSchedulerStatisticTracker
getAverageExecutionDuration(TaskPriority) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.NoThreadSchedulerStatisticTracker
getAverageExecutionDuration() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.PrioritySchedulerStatisticTracker
getAverageExecutionDuration(TaskPriority) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.PrioritySchedulerStatisticTracker
getAverageExecutionDuration() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.SingleThreadSchedulerStatisticTracker
getAverageExecutionDuration(TaskPriority) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.SingleThreadSchedulerStatisticTracker
getAverageExecutionDuration() - Method in interface org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.StatisticExecutor
Get the average duration that tasks submitted through this executor have spent executing.
getAverageExecutionDuration() - Method in interface org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.StatisticPriorityScheduler
Get the average duration that tasks submitted through this executor have spent executing.
getAverageExecutionDuration(TaskPriority) - Method in interface org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.StatisticPriorityScheduler
Get the average duration that tasks submitted through this executor have spent executing.
getAverageExecutionDuration() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.statistics.ExecutorStatisticWrapper
getCauseOfType(Throwable, Class<? extends T>) - Static method in class org.threadly.util.ExceptionUtils
Checks to see if the provided error, or any causes in the provided error matching the provided type.
getCauseOfTypes(Throwable, Iterable<? extends Class<? extends Throwable>>) - Static method in class org.threadly.util.ExceptionUtils
Checks to see if the provided error, or any causes in the provided error matching the provided type.
getCollectedSampleQty() - Method in class org.threadly.util.debug.Profiler
Call to get an estimate on how many times the profiler has collected a sample of the thread stacks.
getContainedCallable() - Method in interface org.threadly.concurrent.CallableContainer
Call to get the contained callable held within the wrapper.
getContainedCallable() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.ListenableFutureTask
getContainedRunnable() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.RunnableCallableAdapter
getContainedRunnable() - Method in interface org.threadly.concurrent.RunnableContainer
Call to get the contained runnable within the wrapper.
getContainedRunnable() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.ThrowableSuppressingRunnable
getContainedRunnable() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.traceability.ThreadRenamingRunnable
getContainedRunnables(List<? extends RunnableContainer>) - Static method in class org.threadly.concurrent.ContainerHelper
Takes in a list of runnable containers, and instead makes a list of the runnables which are contained in each item of the list.
getCreationTime() - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestRunnable
Returns the millis returned from Clock.accurateForwardProgressingMillis(), that was recorded when this runnable was constructed.
getCurrentMessageQty() - Static method in class org.threadly.util.debug.DebugLogger
This call checks how many messages are waiting in the stored map.
getCurrentPoolSize() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.PriorityScheduler
Getter for the current quantity of threads running in this pool (either active or idle).
getDefaultPriority() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.AbstractPriorityScheduler
getDefaultPriority() - Method in interface org.threadly.concurrent.PrioritySchedulerService
Get the default priority for the scheduler.
getDefaultPriority() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.interceptor.PrioritySchedulerTaskInterceptor
getDefaultPriority() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.PrioritySchedulerServiceQueueLimitRejector
getDefaultPriority() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.priority.DefaultPriorityWrapper
getDefaultPriority() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.priority.PriorityDelegatingScheduler
getDefaultPriority() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.traceability.ThreadRenamingPriorityScheduler
getDelay(TimeUnit) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.ScheduledFutureDelegate
getDelayTillFirstRun() - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestRunnable
This function blocks till the first run completes then will return the time until the first run started it's call.
getDelayTillHour(int, int) - Static method in class org.threadly.concurrent.SchedulingUtils
Call to calculate how many milliseconds until the provided time.
getDelayTillMinute(int) - Static method in class org.threadly.concurrent.SchedulingUtils
Call to calculate how many milliseconds until the provided minute.
getDelayTillNextTask() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.NoThreadScheduler
Checks how long till the next task will be ready to execute.
getDelayTillNextTask() - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestableScheduler
Checks how long till the next task will be ready to execute.
getDelayTillRun(int) - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestRunnable
This function blocks till the run provided, and then gets the time between creation and a given run.
getDelayTillRun(int, int) - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestRunnable
This function blocks till the run provided, and then gets the time between creation and a given run.
getExceptionHandler() - Static method in class org.threadly.util.ExceptionUtils
Gets the set ExceptionHandler if one is set, or null if none is set.
getExecutionDelayPercentiles(double...) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.NoThreadSchedulerStatisticTracker
getExecutionDelayPercentiles(TaskPriority, double...) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.NoThreadSchedulerStatisticTracker
getExecutionDelayPercentiles(double...) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.PrioritySchedulerStatisticTracker
getExecutionDelayPercentiles(TaskPriority, double...) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.PrioritySchedulerStatisticTracker
getExecutionDelayPercentiles(double...) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.SingleThreadSchedulerStatisticTracker
getExecutionDelayPercentiles(TaskPriority, double...) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.SingleThreadSchedulerStatisticTracker
getExecutionDelayPercentiles(double...) - Method in interface org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.StatisticExecutor
Gets percentile values for execution delays.
getExecutionDelayPercentiles(double...) - Method in interface org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.StatisticPriorityScheduler
Gets percentile values for execution delays.
getExecutionDelayPercentiles(TaskPriority, double...) - Method in interface org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.StatisticPriorityScheduler
Gets percentile values for execution delays.
getExecutionDelayPercentiles(double...) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.statistics.ExecutorStatisticWrapper
getExecutionDelaySamples() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.NoThreadSchedulerStatisticTracker
getExecutionDelaySamples(TaskPriority) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.NoThreadSchedulerStatisticTracker
getExecutionDelaySamples() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.PrioritySchedulerStatisticTracker
getExecutionDelaySamples(TaskPriority) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.PrioritySchedulerStatisticTracker
getExecutionDelaySamples() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.SingleThreadSchedulerStatisticTracker
getExecutionDelaySamples(TaskPriority) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.SingleThreadSchedulerStatisticTracker
getExecutionDelaySamples() - Method in interface org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.StatisticExecutor
Get raw sample data for task execution delays.
getExecutionDelaySamples() - Method in interface org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.StatisticPriorityScheduler
Get raw sample data for task execution delays.
getExecutionDelaySamples(TaskPriority) - Method in interface org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.StatisticPriorityScheduler
Call to get a list of all currently recorded times for execution delays.
getExecutionDelaySamples() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.statistics.ExecutorStatisticWrapper
getExecutionDurationPercentiles(double...) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.NoThreadSchedulerStatisticTracker
getExecutionDurationPercentiles(TaskPriority, double...) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.NoThreadSchedulerStatisticTracker
getExecutionDurationPercentiles(double...) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.PrioritySchedulerStatisticTracker
getExecutionDurationPercentiles(TaskPriority, double...) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.PrioritySchedulerStatisticTracker
getExecutionDurationPercentiles(double...) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.SingleThreadSchedulerStatisticTracker
getExecutionDurationPercentiles(TaskPriority, double...) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.SingleThreadSchedulerStatisticTracker
getExecutionDurationPercentiles(double...) - Method in interface org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.StatisticExecutor
Gets percentile values for execution duration.
getExecutionDurationPercentiles(double...) - Method in interface org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.StatisticPriorityScheduler
Gets percentile values for execution duration.
getExecutionDurationPercentiles(TaskPriority, double...) - Method in interface org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.StatisticPriorityScheduler
Gets percentile values for execution duration.
getExecutionDurationPercentiles(double...) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.statistics.ExecutorStatisticWrapper
getExecutionDurationSamples() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.NoThreadSchedulerStatisticTracker
getExecutionDurationSamples(TaskPriority) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.NoThreadSchedulerStatisticTracker
getExecutionDurationSamples() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.PrioritySchedulerStatisticTracker
getExecutionDurationSamples(TaskPriority) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.PrioritySchedulerStatisticTracker
getExecutionDurationSamples() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.SingleThreadSchedulerStatisticTracker
getExecutionDurationSamples(TaskPriority) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.SingleThreadSchedulerStatisticTracker
getExecutionDurationSamples() - Method in interface org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.StatisticExecutor
Get raw sample data for task run durations.
getExecutionDurationSamples() - Method in interface org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.StatisticPriorityScheduler
Get raw sample data for task run durations.
getExecutionDurationSamples(TaskPriority) - Method in interface org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.StatisticPriorityScheduler
Get raw sample data for task run durations.
getExecutionDurationSamples() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.statistics.ExecutorStatisticWrapper
getExecutor() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.KeyDistributedExecutor
Getter for the executor being used behind the scenes.
getExecutorForKey(Object) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.KeyDistributedExecutor
Returns a SubmitterExecutor implementation where all tasks submitted on this executor will run on the provided key.
getExpectedConcurrencyLevel() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.lock.StripedLock
Getter for the expected concurrency level this class was constructed with.
getFirst() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.collections.ConcurrentArrayList
getFrontPadding() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.collections.ConcurrentArrayList
Getter for current amount to added padding to the front of new buffers.
getFutureTillDelay(Object, long) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.KeyedRateLimiterExecutor
In order to help assist with avoiding to schedule too much on the scheduler at any given time, this call returns a future that will block until the delay for the next task falls below the maximum delay provided into this call.
getFutureTillDelay(long) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.RateLimiterExecutor
In order to help assist with avoiding to schedule too much on the scheduler at any given time, this call returns a future that will block until the delay for the next task falls below the maximum delay provided into this call.
getGenericThreadCount() - Static method in class org.threadly.concurrent.CentralThreadlyPool
This reports the number of threads currently available for processing across all pools where the max thread count is > the guaranteed thread count.
getInsertionEndIndex(List<Long>, long, boolean) - Static method in class org.threadly.util.SortUtils
This function uses the binary search and adds a small amount of logic such that it determines the placement index for a given item.
getInsertionEndIndex(Function<Integer, Long>, int, long, boolean) - Static method in class org.threadly.util.SortUtils
This function uses the binary search and adds a small amount of logic such that it determines the placement index for a given value.
getLast() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.collections.ConcurrentArrayList
getLastTickTime() - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestableScheduler
Returns the last provided time to the tick call.
getLeft() - Method in class org.threadly.util.Pair
Getter to get the left reference stored in the pair.
getLeftFromRight(Iterable<? extends Pair<? extends T, ?>>, Object) - Static method in class org.threadly.util.Pair
Get the left side of a pair by searching for a matching right side.
getLock(Object) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.lock.StripedLock
Call to get a lock object for a given key.
getLock(int) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.lock.StripedLock
Call to get a lock object for a given hash code.
getLongRunningTasks(long) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.NoThreadSchedulerStatisticTracker
getLongRunningTasks(long) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.PrioritySchedulerStatisticTracker
getLongRunningTasks(long) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.SingleThreadSchedulerStatisticTracker
getLongRunningTasks(long) - Method in interface org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.StatisticExecutor
Call to get a list of runnables and stack traces from tasks which have been actively executing for a longer duration than the one provided.
getLongRunningTasks(long) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.statistics.ExecutorStatisticWrapper
getLongRunningTasksQty(long) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.NoThreadSchedulerStatisticTracker
getLongRunningTasksQty(long) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.PrioritySchedulerStatisticTracker
getLongRunningTasksQty(long) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.SingleThreadSchedulerStatisticTracker
getLongRunningTasksQty(long) - Method in interface org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.StatisticExecutor
Call to return the number of tasks which have been running longer than the provided duration in milliseconds.
getLongRunningTasksQty(long) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.statistics.ExecutorStatisticWrapper
getMaxConcurrency() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.ExecutorLimiter
Call to check what the maximum concurrency this limiter will allow.
getMaxPoolSize() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.PriorityScheduler
Getter for the currently set max thread pool size.
getMaxWaitForLowPriority() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.AbstractPriorityScheduler
getMaxWaitForLowPriority() - Method in interface org.threadly.concurrent.PrioritySchedulerService
Getter for the amount of time a low priority task will wait during thread contention before it is eligible for execution.
getMaxWaitForLowPriority() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.interceptor.PrioritySchedulerTaskInterceptor
getMaxWaitForLowPriority() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.PrioritySchedulerServiceQueueLimitRejector
getMaxWaitForLowPriority() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.priority.DefaultPriorityWrapper
getMaxWaitForLowPriority() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.priority.PriorityDelegatingScheduler
getMaxWaitForLowPriority() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.traceability.ThreadRenamingPriorityScheduler
getMinimumDelay(Object) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.KeyedRateLimiterExecutor
This call will check how far out we have already scheduled tasks to be run.
getMinimumDelay() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.RateLimiterExecutor
This call will check how far out we have already scheduled tasks to be run.
getModificationLock() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.collections.ConcurrentArrayList
If you want to chain multiple calls together and ensure that no threads modify the structure during that time you can get the lock to prevent additional modifications.
getOldestLogMessages(int) - Static method in class org.threadly.util.debug.DebugLogger
This call retrieves and removes the oldest stored log messages.
getOldestLogMessages(int, boolean) - Static method in class org.threadly.util.debug.DebugLogger
This call retrieves and removes the oldest stored log messages.
getPercentiles(Collection<? extends T>, double...) - Static method in class org.threadly.util.StatisticsUtils
Gets percentile values from a collection of numeric values.
getPollInterval() - Method in class org.threadly.util.debug.Profiler
Call to get the currently set profile interval.
getProfiledThreadCount() - Method in class org.threadly.util.debug.ControlledThreadProfiler
Call to check how many threads are currently being checked by the profiler.
getQueuedTaskCount() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.AbstractPriorityScheduler
getQueuedTaskCount(TaskPriority) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.AbstractPriorityScheduler
getQueuedTaskCount() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.PriorityScheduler
getQueuedTaskCount(TaskPriority) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.PriorityScheduler
getQueuedTaskCount(TaskPriority) - Method in interface org.threadly.concurrent.PrioritySchedulerService
Returns a count of how many tasks are either waiting to be executed, or are scheduled to be executed at a future point for a specific priority.
getQueuedTaskCount() - Method in interface org.threadly.concurrent.SchedulerService
Returns how many tasks are either waiting to be executed, or are scheduled to be executed at a future point.
getQueuedTaskCount() - Method in interface org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.StatisticExecutor
Returns how many tasks are either waiting to be executed, or are scheduled to be executed at a future point.
getQueuedTaskCount(TaskPriority) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.interceptor.PrioritySchedulerTaskInterceptor
getQueuedTaskCount() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.interceptor.SchedulerServiceTaskInterceptor
getQueuedTaskCount() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.ExecutorQueueLimitRejector
Invoked to check how many tasks are currently being tracked as queued by this limiter.
getQueuedTaskCount() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.KeyedSchedulerServiceLimiter
Returns how many tasks are either waiting to be executed, or are scheduled to be executed at a future point.
getQueuedTaskCount(TaskPriority) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.PrioritySchedulerServiceQueueLimitRejector
getQueuedTaskCount() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.SchedulerServiceLimiter
getQueuedTaskCount() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.SubmitterSchedulerQueueLimitRejector
Invoked to check how many tasks are currently being tracked as queued by this limiter.
getQueuedTaskCount() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.priority.DefaultPriorityWrapper
getQueuedTaskCount(TaskPriority) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.priority.DefaultPriorityWrapper
getQueuedTaskCount(TaskPriority) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.priority.PriorityDelegatingScheduler
getQueuedTaskCount() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.priority.PriorityDelegatingScheduler
getQueuedTaskCount() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.statistics.ExecutorStatisticWrapper
Call to check how many tasks are queued waiting for execution.
getQueuedTaskCount() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.traceability.ThreadRenamingPriorityScheduler
getQueuedTaskCount(TaskPriority) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.traceability.ThreadRenamingPriorityScheduler
getQueuedTaskCount() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.traceability.ThreadRenamingSchedulerService
getQueueLimit() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.ExecutorQueueLimitRejector
Invoked to check the currently set queue limit.
getQueueLimit() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.SubmitterSchedulerQueueLimitRejector
Invoked to check the currently set queue limit.
getRearPadding() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.collections.ConcurrentArrayList
Getter for current amount to added padding to the rear of new buffers.
getRight() - Method in class org.threadly.util.Pair
Getter to get the right reference stored in the pair.
getRightFromLeft(Iterable<? extends Pair<?, ? extends T>>, Object) - Static method in class org.threadly.util.Pair
Get the right side of a pair by searching for a matching left side.
getRootCause(Throwable) - Static method in class org.threadly.util.ExceptionUtils
Gets the root cause of a provided Throwable.
getRunCount() - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestRunnable
Getter for the number of times the run function has completed.
getRunDelayInMillis() - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestRunnable
Getter for the currently set amount of time the TestRunnable will block after TestRunnable.handleRunStart() and before TestRunnable.handleRunFinish() is called.
getRunningStackTrace() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.CancelDebuggingListenableFuture
getRunningStackTrace() - Method in interface org.threadly.concurrent.future.ListenableFuture
A best effort to return the stack trace for for the executing thread of either this future, or a future which this depends on through the use of or similar functions.
getRunningStackTrace() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.ListenableFutureTask
getRunningStackTrace() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.ScheduledFutureDelegate
getRunningStackTrace() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.SettableListenableFuture
getSchedulerForKey(Object) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.KeyDistributedScheduler
Returns a scheduler implementation where all tasks submitted on this scheduler will run on the provided key.
getStripe(Runnable) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.UnfairExecutor.AtomicStripeGenerator
getStripe(Runnable) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.UnfairExecutor.TaskHashXorTimeStripeGenerator
getStripe(Runnable) - Method in interface org.threadly.concurrent.UnfairExecutor.TaskStripeGenerator
Generate an identifier for the stripe to distribute the task on to.
getSubmitterExecutorForKey(Object) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.KeyedRateLimiterExecutor
Returns an executor implementation where all tasks submitted on this executor will run on the provided key.
getSubmitterExecutorForKey(double, Object) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.KeyedRateLimiterExecutor
Returns an executor implementation where all tasks submitted on this executor will run on the provided key.
getSubscribedListeners() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.event.ListenerHelper
Return a collection of the currently subscribed listener instances.
getSubscribedListeners() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.event.RunnableListenerHelper
Return a collection of the currently subscribed listener instances.
getTaskQueueSize(Object) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.KeyDistributedExecutor
Call to check how many tasks have been queued up for a given key.
getTaskQueueSizeMap() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.KeyDistributedExecutor
Get a map of all the keys and how many tasks are queued per key.
getThreadLocalExceptionHandler() - Static method in class org.threadly.util.ExceptionUtils
Gets the thread local ExceptionHandler if one is set, or null if none is set.
getThreads(boolean) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.ThreadReferencingThreadFactory
Get a list of currently known threads.
getTimeoutInMillis() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.watchdog.ConstantTimeWatchdog
Request the timeout in milliseconds until futures that have not completed are canceled.
getTotalExecutionCount() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.NoThreadSchedulerStatisticTracker
getTotalExecutionCount(TaskPriority) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.NoThreadSchedulerStatisticTracker
getTotalExecutionCount() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.PrioritySchedulerStatisticTracker
getTotalExecutionCount(TaskPriority) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.PrioritySchedulerStatisticTracker
getTotalExecutionCount() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.SingleThreadSchedulerStatisticTracker
getTotalExecutionCount(TaskPriority) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.SingleThreadSchedulerStatisticTracker
getTotalExecutionCount() - Method in interface org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.StatisticExecutor
Call to get the total quantity of tasks this executor has handled.
getTotalExecutionCount(TaskPriority) - Method in interface org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.StatisticPriorityScheduler
Call to get the total quantity of tasks this executor has handled for a specific priority.
getTotalExecutionCount() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.statistics.ExecutorStatisticWrapper
getTrackedKeyCount() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.KeyedRateLimiterExecutor
Check how many keys are currently being restricted or monitored.
getUnsubmittedTaskCount() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.ExecutorLimiter
Returns how many tasks are currently being "limited" and thus are in queue to run from this limiter.
getWaitingForExecutionTaskCount() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.AbstractPriorityScheduler
getWaitingForExecutionTaskCount(TaskPriority) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.AbstractPriorityScheduler
getWaitingForExecutionTaskCount(TaskPriority) - Method in interface org.threadly.concurrent.PrioritySchedulerService
Returns a count of how many tasks are either waiting to be executed for a specific priority.
getWaitingForExecutionTaskCount() - Method in interface org.threadly.concurrent.SchedulerService
Returns how many tasks are either waiting to be executed.
getWaitingForExecutionTaskCount(TaskPriority) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.interceptor.PrioritySchedulerTaskInterceptor
getWaitingForExecutionTaskCount() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.interceptor.SchedulerServiceTaskInterceptor
getWaitingForExecutionTaskCount(TaskPriority) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.PrioritySchedulerServiceQueueLimitRejector
getWaitingForExecutionTaskCount() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.SchedulerServiceLimiter
getWaitingForExecutionTaskCount() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.SchedulerServiceQueueLimitRejector
getWaitingForExecutionTaskCount() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.priority.DefaultPriorityWrapper
getWaitingForExecutionTaskCount(TaskPriority) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.priority.DefaultPriorityWrapper
getWaitingForExecutionTaskCount(TaskPriority) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.priority.PriorityDelegatingScheduler
getWaitingForExecutionTaskCount() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.priority.PriorityDelegatingScheduler
getWaitingForExecutionTaskCount() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.traceability.ThreadRenamingPriorityScheduler
getWaitingForExecutionTaskCount(TaskPriority) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.traceability.ThreadRenamingPriorityScheduler
getWaitingForExecutionTaskCount() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.traceability.ThreadRenamingSchedulerService
getWatchingCount() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.watchdog.MixedTimeWatchdog
Check how many futures are currently being monitored for completion.


handleException(Throwable) - Method in interface org.threadly.util.ExceptionHandler
An exception was thrown on this thread, and is now being provided to this handler to handle it (possibly just to simply log it occurred).
handleException(Throwable) - Static method in class org.threadly.util.ExceptionUtils
This call handles an uncaught throwable.
handleFailure(Throwable) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.AbstractFutureCallbackResultHandler
handleFailure(Throwable) - Method in interface org.threadly.concurrent.future.FutureCallback
Called once a future has completed, but completed with either a failure or a cancellation.
handleFailure(Throwable) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.FutureCallbackExceptionHandlerAdapter
handleFailure(Throwable) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.FutureCallbackFailureHandler
handleFailure(Throwable) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.SettableListenableFuture
handleRejectedTask(Runnable) - Method in interface org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.RejectedExecutionHandler
Handle the task that was unable to be accepted by a pool.
handleResult(Object) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.AbstractFutureCallbackFailureHandler
handleResult(T) - Method in interface org.threadly.concurrent.future.FutureCallback
Called once a result was produced successfully.
handleResult(T) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.FutureCallbackResultHandler
handleResult(T) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.SettableListenableFuture
handleRunFinish() - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestRunnable
Function to be overloaded by extending classes if more data or operations need to happen at the run point.
handleRunStart() - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestRunnable
Function to be overloaded by extending classes if more data or operations need to happen at the run point.
hasCauseOfType(Throwable, Class<? extends Throwable>) - Static method in class org.threadly.util.ExceptionUtils
Checks to see if the provided error, or any causes in the provided error match the provided type.
hasCauseOfTypes(Throwable, Iterable<? extends Class<? extends Throwable>>) - Static method in class org.threadly.util.ExceptionUtils
Checks to see if the provided error, or any causes in the provided error match the provided type.
hashCode() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.collections.ConcurrentArrayList
hashCode() - Method in class org.threadly.util.Pair
hasNext() - Method in class org.threadly.util.ArrayIterator
hasStopped() - Method in class org.threadly.util.AbstractService
hasStopped() - Method in interface org.threadly.util.Service
Call to check if the service has been stopped (and thus can no longer be used).
hasTaskReadyToRun() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.NoThreadScheduler
Checks if there are tasks ready to be run on the scheduler.
hasTaskReadyToRun() - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestableScheduler
Checks if there are tasks ready to be run on the scheduler.


IGNORE_HANDLER - Static variable in interface org.threadly.util.ExceptionHandler
Default ExceptionHandler implementation which will swallow the exception with no action.
immediateFailureFuture(Throwable) - Static method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.FutureUtils
Constructs a ListenableFuture that has failed with the given failure.
ImmediateFailureListenableFuture<T> - Class in org.threadly.concurrent.future
Completed implementation of ListenableFuture that will immediately provide a failure condition.
ImmediateFailureListenableFuture(Throwable) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.future.ImmediateFailureListenableFuture
Constructs a completed future with the provided failure.
immediateResultFuture(T) - Static method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.FutureUtils
Constructs a ListenableFuture that has already had the provided result given to it.
ImmediateResultListenableFuture<T> - Class in org.threadly.concurrent.future
Completed implementation of ListenableFuture that will immediately return a result.
ImmediateResultListenableFuture(T) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.future.ImmediateResultListenableFuture
Constructs a completed future that will return the provided result.
increaseGenericThreads(int) - Static method in class org.threadly.concurrent.CentralThreadlyPool
Increase available threads threads that can be shared across pools.
indexOf(Object) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.collections.ConcurrentArrayList
instance() - Static method in class org.threadly.concurrent.DoNothingRunnable
Call to get a default instance of the DoNothingRunnable.
instance() - Static method in class org.threadly.concurrent.SameThreadSubmitterExecutor
Call to get a default instance of the SameThreadSubmitterExecutor.
instance() - Static method in class org.threadly.concurrent.UnfairExecutor.AtomicStripeGenerator
Provides an instance which can be provided into the constructor of UnfairExecutor.
instance() - Static method in class org.threadly.concurrent.UnfairExecutor.TaskHashXorTimeStripeGenerator
Provides an instance which can be provided into the constructor of UnfairExecutor.
InvocationTee - Class in org.threadly.concurrent.event
Simple utility for multiplying invocations across multiple instances of a given interface.
InvocationTee() - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.event.InvocationTee
invokeAfterAllComplete(Collection<? extends ListenableFuture<?>>, Runnable) - Static method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.FutureUtils
A potentially more performant option than FutureUtils.makeCompleteFuture(List) when only a listener invocation is desired after all the futures complete.
invokeAfterAllComplete(Collection<? extends ListenableFuture<?>>, Runnable, Executor) - Static method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.FutureUtils
A potentially more performant option than FutureUtils.makeCompleteFuture(List) when only a listener invocation is desired after all the futures complete.
isActive() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.ReschedulingOperation
Check to see if this operation is either currently running, or scheduled to run.
isCancelled() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.CancelDebuggingListenableFuture
isCancelled() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.ScheduledFutureDelegate
isCancelled() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.SettableListenableFuture
isContained(Runnable, Runnable) - Static method in class org.threadly.concurrent.ContainerHelper
Checks if the start runnable equals the compareTo runnable, or if the compareTo runnable is contained within a wrapper of the startRunnable.
isContained(Runnable, Callable<?>) - Static method in class org.threadly.concurrent.ContainerHelper
Checks if the start runnable contains the provided callable.
isDone() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.CancelDebuggingListenableFuture
isDone() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.ScheduledFutureDelegate
isDone() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.SettableListenableFuture
isEmpty() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.collections.ConcurrentArrayList
isNullOrEmpty(String) - Static method in class org.threadly.util.StringUtils
Check if the provided string is either null or empty.
isolatedTaskPool() - Static method in class org.threadly.concurrent.CentralThreadlyPool
This returns a thread pool which is designed for an "isolated" task.
isolatedTaskPool(String) - Static method in class org.threadly.concurrent.CentralThreadlyPool
This returns a thread pool which is designed for an "isolated" task.
isRunning() - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestRunnable
Check to see if the run function has started but has not completed returned yet.
isRunning() - Method in class org.threadly.util.AbstractService
isRunning() - Method in class org.threadly.util.debug.Profiler
Call to check weather the profile is currently running/started.
isRunning() - Method in interface org.threadly.util.Service
Call to check if the service has been started, and not shutdown yet.
isShutdown() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.NoThreadScheduler
isShutdown() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.PriorityScheduler
isShutdown() - Method in interface org.threadly.concurrent.SchedulerService
Function to check if the thread pool is currently accepting and handling tasks.
isShutdown() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.SingleThreadScheduler
isShutdown() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.UnfairExecutor
Function to check if the thread pool is currently accepting and handling tasks.
isShutdown() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.interceptor.SchedulerServiceTaskInterceptor
isShutdown() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.KeyedSchedulerServiceLimiter
Function to check if the thread pool is currently accepting and handling tasks.
isShutdown() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.SchedulerServiceLimiter
isShutdown() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.SchedulerServiceQueueLimitRejector
isShutdown() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.SingleThreadSchedulerSubPool
isShutdown() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.priority.DefaultPriorityWrapper
isShutdown() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.priority.PriorityDelegatingScheduler
isShutdown() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.traceability.ThreadRenamingPriorityScheduler
isShutdown() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.traceability.ThreadRenamingSchedulerService
isShutdown() - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestableScheduler
isTerminated() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.SingleThreadScheduler
One step beyond SingleThreadScheduler.isShutdown(), a true here indicates that not only has a shutdown on the pool been requested, but that the thread running tasks has completed.
isTerminated() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.compatibility.PrioritySchedulerServiceWrapper
isTerminated() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.compatibility.SingleThreadSchedulerServiceWrapper
iterateLeft(Iterable<? extends Pair<? extends T, ?>>) - Static method in class org.threadly.util.Pair
Convert a Pair Iterator into an iterator that returns the left items.
iterateLeft(Iterator<? extends Pair<? extends T, ?>>) - Static method in class org.threadly.util.Pair
Convert a Pair Iterator into an iterator that returns the left items.
iterateRight(Iterable<? extends Pair<?, ? extends T>>) - Static method in class org.threadly.util.Pair
Convert a Pair Iterator into an iterator that returns the right items.
iterateRight(Iterator<? extends Pair<?, ? extends T>>) - Static method in class org.threadly.util.Pair
Convert a Pair Iterator into an iterator that returns the right items.
iterator() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.collections.ConcurrentArrayList


KeyDistributedExecutor - Class in org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper
TaskDistributor is designed such that tasks executed on it for a given key will run in a single threaded manner.
KeyDistributedExecutor(Executor) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.KeyDistributedExecutor
Constructor to use a provided executor implementation for running tasks.
KeyDistributedExecutor(Executor, boolean) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.KeyDistributedExecutor
Constructor to use a provided executor implementation for running tasks.
KeyDistributedExecutor(Executor, int) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.KeyDistributedExecutor
Constructor to use a provided executor implementation for running tasks.
KeyDistributedExecutor(Executor, int, boolean) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.KeyDistributedExecutor
Constructor to use a provided executor implementation for running tasks.
KeyDistributedExecutor(int, Executor) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.KeyDistributedExecutor
KeyDistributedExecutor(int, Executor, boolean) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.KeyDistributedExecutor
KeyDistributedExecutor(int, Executor, int) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.KeyDistributedExecutor
KeyDistributedExecutor(int, Executor, int, boolean) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.KeyDistributedExecutor
KeyDistributedScheduler - Class in org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper
This is a class which is more full featured than KeyDistributedExecutor, but it does require a scheduler implementation in order to be able to perform scheduling.
KeyDistributedScheduler(SubmitterScheduler) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.KeyDistributedScheduler
Constructor to use a provided scheduler implementation for running tasks.
KeyDistributedScheduler(SubmitterScheduler, boolean) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.KeyDistributedScheduler
Constructor to use a provided executor implementation for running tasks.
KeyDistributedScheduler(SubmitterScheduler, int) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.KeyDistributedScheduler
Constructor to use a provided executor implementation for running tasks.
KeyDistributedScheduler(SubmitterScheduler, int, boolean) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.KeyDistributedScheduler
Constructor to use a provided executor implementation for running tasks.
KeyDistributedScheduler(int, SubmitterScheduler) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.KeyDistributedScheduler
KeyDistributedScheduler(int, SubmitterScheduler, boolean) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.KeyDistributedScheduler
KeyDistributedScheduler(int, SubmitterScheduler, int) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.KeyDistributedScheduler
KeyDistributedScheduler(int, SubmitterScheduler, int, boolean) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.KeyDistributedScheduler
KeyedExecutorLimiter - Class in org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter
This is a cross between the KeyDistributedExecutor and an ExecutorLimiter.
KeyedExecutorLimiter(Executor, int) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.KeyedExecutorLimiter
Construct a new KeyedExecutorLimiter providing only the backing executor and the maximum concurrency per unique key.
KeyedExecutorLimiter(Executor, int, boolean) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.KeyedExecutorLimiter
Construct a new KeyedExecutorLimiter providing only the backing executor and the maximum concurrency per unique key.
KeyedExecutorLimiter(Executor, int, String, boolean) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.KeyedExecutorLimiter
Construct a new KeyedExecutorLimiter providing the backing executor, the maximum concurrency per unique key, and how keyed limiter threads should be named.
KeyedExecutorLimiter(Executor, int, String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.KeyedExecutorLimiter
Construct a new KeyedExecutorLimiter providing the backing executor, the maximum concurrency per unique key, and how keyed limiter threads should be named.
KeyedExecutorLimiter(Executor, int, String, boolean, int) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.KeyedExecutorLimiter
KeyedExecutorLimiter(Executor, int, String, boolean, boolean, int) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.KeyedExecutorLimiter
KeyedRateLimiterExecutor - Class in org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter
Similar to RateLimiterExecutor except that the rate is applied on a per key basis.
KeyedRateLimiterExecutor(SubmitterScheduler, double) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.KeyedRateLimiterExecutor
Constructs a new key rate limiting executor.
KeyedRateLimiterExecutor(SubmitterScheduler, double, String, boolean) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.KeyedRateLimiterExecutor
Constructs a new key rate limiting executor.
KeyedRateLimiterExecutor(SubmitterScheduler, double, long) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.KeyedRateLimiterExecutor
Constructs a new key rate limiting executor.
KeyedRateLimiterExecutor(SubmitterScheduler, double, long, RejectedExecutionHandler) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.KeyedRateLimiterExecutor
Constructs a new key rate limiting executor.
KeyedRateLimiterExecutor(SubmitterScheduler, double, long, String, boolean) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.KeyedRateLimiterExecutor
Constructs a new key rate limiting executor.
KeyedRateLimiterExecutor(SubmitterScheduler, double, long, RejectedExecutionHandler, String, boolean) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.KeyedRateLimiterExecutor
Constructs a new key rate limiting executor.
KeyedRateLimiterExecutor(SubmitterScheduler, double, long, RejectedExecutionHandler, String, boolean, int) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.KeyedRateLimiterExecutor
Please use constructor without the expectedParallism field
KeyedSchedulerServiceLimiter - Class in org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter
This is a cross between the KeyDistributedScheduler and a SchedulerServiceLimiter.
KeyedSchedulerServiceLimiter(SchedulerService, int) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.KeyedSchedulerServiceLimiter
Construct a new KeyedSchedulerServiceLimiter providing only the backing scheduler and the maximum concurrency per unique key.
KeyedSchedulerServiceLimiter(SchedulerService, int, boolean) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.KeyedSchedulerServiceLimiter
Construct a new KeyedSchedulerServiceLimiter providing only the backing scheduler and the maximum concurrency per unique key.
KeyedSchedulerServiceLimiter(SchedulerService, int, String, boolean) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.KeyedSchedulerServiceLimiter
Construct a new KeyedSchedulerServiceLimiter providing the backing scheduler, the maximum concurrency per unique key, and how keyed limiter threads should be named.
KeyedSchedulerServiceLimiter(SchedulerService, int, String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.KeyedSchedulerServiceLimiter
Construct a new KeyedSchedulerServiceLimiter providing the backing scheduler, the maximum concurrency per unique key, and how keyed limiter threads should be named.
KeyedSchedulerServiceLimiter(SchedulerService, int, String, boolean, int) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.KeyedSchedulerServiceLimiter
KeyedSchedulerServiceLimiter(SchedulerService, int, String, boolean, boolean, int) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.KeyedSchedulerServiceLimiter
KeyedSubmitterSchedulerLimiter - Class in org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter
This is a cross between the KeyDistributedScheduler and a SubmitterSchedulerLimiter.
KeyedSubmitterSchedulerLimiter(SubmitterScheduler, int) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.KeyedSubmitterSchedulerLimiter
Construct a new KeyedSubmitterSchedulerLimiter providing only the backing scheduler and the maximum concurrency per unique key.
KeyedSubmitterSchedulerLimiter(SubmitterScheduler, int, boolean) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.KeyedSubmitterSchedulerLimiter
Construct a new KeyedSubmitterSchedulerLimiter providing only the backing scheduler and the maximum concurrency per unique key.
KeyedSubmitterSchedulerLimiter(SubmitterScheduler, int, String, boolean) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.KeyedSubmitterSchedulerLimiter
Construct a new KeyedSubmitterSchedulerLimiter providing the backing scheduler, the maximum concurrency per unique key, and how keyed limiter threads should be named.
KeyedSubmitterSchedulerLimiter(SubmitterScheduler, int, String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.KeyedSubmitterSchedulerLimiter
Construct a new KeyedSubmitterSchedulerLimiter providing the backing scheduler, the maximum concurrency per unique key, and how keyed limiter threads should be named.
KeyedSubmitterSchedulerLimiter(SubmitterScheduler, int, String, boolean, int) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.KeyedSubmitterSchedulerLimiter
KeyedSubmitterSchedulerLimiter(SubmitterScheduler, int, String, boolean, boolean, int) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.KeyedSubmitterSchedulerLimiter


lastIndexOf(Object) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.collections.ConcurrentArrayList
lastKnownForwardProgressingMillis() - Static method in class org.threadly.util.Clock
Returns a fuzzy time for how much time in milliseconds since this class has loaded (starting at 0).
lastKnownTimeMillis() - Static method in class org.threadly.util.Clock
Getter for the last known time in milliseconds.
lastKnownTimeNanos() - Static method in class org.threadly.util.Clock
This returns a fuzzy known nano time from invocations to either Clock.accurateTimeNanos() or Clock.accurateForwardProgressingMillis().
length() - Method in class org.threadly.util.StringBufferWriter
length() - Method in class org.threadly.util.StringBuilderWriter
ListenableFuture<T> - Interface in org.threadly.concurrent.future
Future where you can add a listener which is called once the future has completed.
ListenableFuture.ListenerOptimizationStrategy - Enum in org.threadly.concurrent.future
Strategy to use for optimizing listener execution.
ListenableFutureAdapterTask<T> - Class in org.threadly.concurrent.future
Adapter from java's Future to threadly's ListenableFuture.
ListenableFutureAdapterTask(Future<? extends T>) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.future.ListenableFutureAdapterTask
Constructs a new ListenableFutureAdapterTask.
ListenableFutureTask<T> - Class in org.threadly.concurrent.future
This is a future which can be executed.
ListenableFutureTask(boolean, Runnable) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.future.ListenableFutureTask
Constructs a runnable future with a runnable work unit.
ListenableFutureTask(boolean, Runnable, T) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.future.ListenableFutureTask
Constructs a runnable future with a runnable work unit.
ListenableFutureTask(boolean, Callable<T>) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.future.ListenableFutureTask
Constructs a runnable future with a callable work unit.
ListenableFutureTask(boolean, Runnable, Executor) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.future.ListenableFutureTask
ListenableFutureTask(boolean, Runnable, T, Executor) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.future.ListenableFutureTask
Constructs a runnable future with a runnable work unit.
ListenableFutureTask(boolean, Callable<T>, Executor) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.future.ListenableFutureTask
Constructs a runnable future with a callable work unit.
ListenableRunnableFuture<T> - Interface in org.threadly.concurrent.future
This is a ListenableFuture which can be executed.
ListenableScheduledFuture<T> - Interface in org.threadly.concurrent.future
Replaced with org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.compatibility.ListenableScheduledFuture
ListenableScheduledFuture<T> - Interface in org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.compatibility
Interface which includes the ScheduledFuture interface as well as the ListenableFuture interface.
listener(Runnable, Executor, ListenableFuture.ListenerOptimizationStrategy) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.CancelDebuggingListenableFuture
listener(Runnable) - Method in interface org.threadly.concurrent.future.ListenableFuture
Add a listener to be called once the future has completed.
listener(Runnable, Executor) - Method in interface org.threadly.concurrent.future.ListenableFuture
Add a listener to be called once the future has completed.
listener(Runnable, Executor, ListenableFuture.ListenerOptimizationStrategy) - Method in interface org.threadly.concurrent.future.ListenableFuture
Add a listener to be called once the future has completed.
listener(Runnable, Executor, ListenableFuture.ListenerOptimizationStrategy) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.ListenableFutureTask
listener(Runnable, Executor, ListenableFuture.ListenerOptimizationStrategy) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.ScheduledFutureDelegate
listener(Runnable, Executor, ListenableFuture.ListenerOptimizationStrategy) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.SettableListenableFuture
ListenerHelper<T> - Class in org.threadly.concurrent.event
Class which assist with holding and calling to listeners of any interface.
ListenerHelper(Class<? super T>) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.event.ListenerHelper
Constructs a new ListenerHelper that will handle listeners with the provided interface.
listIterator() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.collections.ConcurrentArrayList
listIterator(int) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.collections.ConcurrentArrayList
log(String) - Static method in class org.threadly.util.debug.DebugLogger
This adds a log message to the stored log.
lowPriorityPool() - Static method in class org.threadly.concurrent.CentralThreadlyPool
Low priority pool for scheduling cleanup or otherwise tasks which could be significantly delayed.
lowPriorityPool(String) - Static method in class org.threadly.concurrent.CentralThreadlyPool
Low priority pool for scheduling cleanup or otherwise tasks which could be significantly delayed.
lowPriorityPool(boolean) - Static method in class org.threadly.concurrent.CentralThreadlyPool
lowPriorityPool(boolean, String) - Static method in class org.threadly.concurrent.CentralThreadlyPool
lowPrioritySingleThreadPool() - Static method in class org.threadly.concurrent.CentralThreadlyPool
Low priority pool for scheduling cleanup or otherwise tasks which could be significantly delayed.
lowPrioritySingleThreadPool(String) - Static method in class org.threadly.concurrent.CentralThreadlyPool
Low priority pool for scheduling cleanup or otherwise tasks which could be significantly delayed.


makeCompleteFuture(List<? extends ListenableFuture<?>>) - Static method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.FutureUtils
An alternative to FutureUtils.blockTillAllComplete(Iterable), this provides the ability to know when all futures are complete without blocking.
makeCompleteFuture(Collection<? extends ListenableFuture<?>>) - Static method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.FutureUtils
An alternative to FutureUtils.blockTillAllComplete(Iterable), this provides the ability to know when all futures are complete without blocking.
makeCompleteFuture(ListenableFuture<?>...) - Static method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.FutureUtils
An alternative to FutureUtils.blockTillAllComplete(Iterable), this provides the ability to know when all futures are complete without blocking.
makeCompleteFuture(Iterable<? extends ListenableFuture<?>>) - Static method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.FutureUtils
An alternative to FutureUtils.blockTillAllComplete(Iterable), this provides the ability to know when all futures are complete without blocking.
makeCompleteFuture(Iterable<? extends ListenableFuture<?>>, T) - Static method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.FutureUtils
An alternative to FutureUtils.blockTillAllComplete(Iterable), this provides the ability to know when all futures are complete without blocking.
makeCompleteListFuture(Iterable<? extends ListenableFuture<? extends T>>) - Static method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.FutureUtils
This call is similar to FutureUtils.makeCompleteFuture(Iterable) in that it will immediately provide a future that will not be satisfied till all provided futures complete.
makeFailureListFuture(Iterable<? extends ListenableFuture<? extends T>>) - Static method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.FutureUtils
This call is similar to FutureUtils.makeCompleteFuture(Iterable) in that it will immediately provide a future that will not be satisfied till all provided futures complete.
makeFailurePropagatingCompleteFuture(ListenableFuture<?>...) - Static method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.FutureUtils
Similar to FutureUtils.makeCompleteFuture(Iterable) in that the returned future wont complete until all the provided futures complete.
makeFailurePropagatingCompleteFuture(Iterable<? extends ListenableFuture<?>>) - Static method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.FutureUtils
Similar to FutureUtils.makeCompleteFuture(Iterable) in that the returned future wont complete until all the provided futures complete.
makeFailurePropagatingCompleteFuture(Iterable<? extends ListenableFuture<?>>, T) - Static method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.FutureUtils
Similar to FutureUtils.makeCompleteFuture(Iterable, Object) in that the returned future wont complete until all the provided futures complete.
makeFirstResultFuture(Collection<? extends ListenableFuture<? extends T>>, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.FutureUtils
Converts a collection of ListenableFuture's into a single ListenableFuture where the result will be the first result provided from the collection.
makeForHandlers(ThreadFactory, BlockingQueue<? extends T>, Consumer<T>, ExceptionHandler) - Static method in class org.threadly.concurrent.processing.BlockingQueueConsumer
Construct a new BlockingQueueConsumer in case an abstract implementation is not preferred.
makeIterable(T[]) - Static method in class org.threadly.util.ArrayIterator
Use as a convience when Iterable is the desired interface.
makeIterable(T[], boolean) - Static method in class org.threadly.util.ArrayIterator
Use as a convience when Iterable is the desired interface.
makeIterator(T[]) - Static method in class org.threadly.util.ArrayIterator
Construct a new Iterator that will start at position zero of the provided array.
makeRandomString(int) - Static method in class org.threadly.util.StringUtils
Produces a random string of the provided length.
makeResultListFuture(Iterable<? extends ListenableFuture<? extends T>>, boolean) - Static method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.FutureUtils
This returns a future which provides the results of all the provided futures.
makeRuntime(Throwable) - Static method in class org.threadly.util.ExceptionUtils
Makes a rRuntimeException if necessary.
makeRuntime(Throwable, boolean) - Static method in class org.threadly.util.ExceptionUtils
Makes a rRuntimeException if necessary.
makeSuccessListFuture(Iterable<? extends ListenableFuture<? extends T>>) - Static method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.FutureUtils
This call is similar to FutureUtils.makeCompleteFuture(Iterable) in that it will immediately provide a future that will not be satisfied till all provided futures complete.
map(Function<? super T, ? extends R>) - Method in interface org.threadly.concurrent.future.ListenableFuture
Transform this future's result into another result by applying the provided mapper function.
map(Function<? super T, ? extends R>, Executor) - Method in interface org.threadly.concurrent.future.ListenableFuture
Transform this future's result into another result by applying the provided mapper function.
map(Function<? super T, ? extends R>, Executor, ListenableFuture.ListenerOptimizationStrategy) - Method in interface org.threadly.concurrent.future.ListenableFuture
Transform this future's result into another result by applying the provided mapper function.
mapFailure(Class<TT>, Function<? super TT, ? extends T>) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.ImmediateResultListenableFuture
mapFailure(Class<TT>, Function<? super TT, ? extends T>, Executor) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.ImmediateResultListenableFuture
mapFailure(Class<TT>, Function<? super TT, ? extends T>, Executor, ListenableFuture.ListenerOptimizationStrategy) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.ImmediateResultListenableFuture
mapFailure(Class<TT>, Function<? super TT, ? extends T>) - Method in interface org.threadly.concurrent.future.ListenableFuture
Similar to ListenableFuture.throwMap(Function) except this mapper will only be invoked when the future is in a failure state (from either the original computation or an earlier mapper throwing an exception).
mapFailure(Class<TT>, Function<? super TT, ? extends T>, Executor) - Method in interface org.threadly.concurrent.future.ListenableFuture
Similar to ListenableFuture.throwMap(Function, Executor) except this mapper will only be invoked when the future is in a failure state (from either the original computation or an earlier mapper throwing an exception).
mapFailure(Class<TT>, Function<? super TT, ? extends T>, Executor, ListenableFuture.ListenerOptimizationStrategy) - Method in interface org.threadly.concurrent.future.ListenableFuture
Similar to ListenableFuture.throwMap(Function, Executor, ListenerOptimizationStrategy) except this mapper will only be invoked when the future is in a failure state (from either the original computation or an earlier mapper throwing an exception).
MixedTimeWatchdog - Class in org.threadly.concurrent.future.watchdog
A class which handles a collection of ConstantTimeWatchdog instances.
MixedTimeWatchdog(SubmitterScheduler, boolean) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.future.watchdog.MixedTimeWatchdog
Constructs a new MixedTimeWatchdog with a scheduler of your choosing.
MixedTimeWatchdog(SubmitterScheduler, boolean, long) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.future.watchdog.MixedTimeWatchdog
Constructs a new MixedTimeWatchdog with a scheduler of your choosing.
MutablePair<L,R> - Class in org.threadly.util
A special type of Pair which allows the stored references to be updated after creation.
MutablePair() - Constructor for class org.threadly.util.MutablePair
Constructs a new mutable pair with the left and right references defaulted to be null.
MutablePair(L, R) - Constructor for class org.threadly.util.MutablePair
Constructs a new mutable pair, providing the left and right objects to be held.


NANOS_IN_MILLISECOND - Static variable in class org.threadly.util.Clock
Simple conversion of how many nanoseconds exist within a single millisecond.
newThread(Runnable) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.ConfigurableThreadFactory
newThread(Runnable) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.ThreadReferencingThreadFactory
next() - Method in class org.threadly.util.ArrayIterator
nonEmptyOptional(String) - Static method in class org.threadly.util.StringUtils
Simple utility function for returning an Optional that if contents present are guaranteed to not be empty.
NoThreadScheduler - Class in org.threadly.concurrent
Executor which has no threads itself.
NoThreadScheduler() - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.NoThreadScheduler
Constructs a new NoThreadScheduler scheduler.
NoThreadScheduler(TaskPriority, long) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.NoThreadScheduler
Constructs a new NoThreadScheduler scheduler with specified default priority behavior.
NoThreadSchedulerStatisticTracker - Class in org.threadly.concurrent.statistics
An implementation of NoThreadScheduler which tracks run and usage statistics.
NoThreadSchedulerStatisticTracker() - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.NoThreadSchedulerStatisticTracker
Constructs a new NoThreadSchedulerStatisticTracker scheduler.
NoThreadSchedulerStatisticTracker(TaskPriority, long) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.NoThreadSchedulerStatisticTracker
Constructs a new NoThreadSchedulerStatisticTracker scheduler with specified default priority behavior.
NoThreadSchedulerStatisticTracker(int) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.NoThreadSchedulerStatisticTracker
Constructs a new NoThreadSchedulerStatisticTracker scheduler.
NoThreadSchedulerStatisticTracker(int, boolean) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.NoThreadSchedulerStatisticTracker
Constructs a new NoThreadSchedulerStatisticTracker scheduler.
NoThreadSchedulerStatisticTracker(TaskPriority, long, int) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.NoThreadSchedulerStatisticTracker
Constructs a new NoThreadSchedulerStatisticTracker scheduler.
NoThreadSchedulerStatisticTracker(TaskPriority, long, int, boolean) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.NoThreadSchedulerStatisticTracker
Constructs a new NoThreadSchedulerStatisticTracker scheduler, specifying all available construction options.
NULL_RESULT - Static variable in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.ImmediateResultListenableFuture
Static instance of ImmediateResultListenableFuture which provides a null result.
nullToEmpty(String) - Static method in class org.threadly.util.StringUtils
Makes sure a given string is not null.


offer(T) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.collections.ConcurrentArrayList
offerFirst(T) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.collections.ConcurrentArrayList
offerLast(T) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.collections.ConcurrentArrayList
org.threadly.concurrent - package org.threadly.concurrent
Tools to assist in writing high performing and safe concurrent java code.
org.threadly.concurrent.collections - package org.threadly.concurrent.collections
These are concurrent structures, everything in this package can be called into in a multi-threaded way (although sometimes some additional understanding is necessary, or you may have unexpected results).
org.threadly.concurrent.event - package org.threadly.concurrent.event
Tools to help build architectures that are event driven and callback based.
org.threadly.concurrent.future - package org.threadly.concurrent.future
Implementations of different futures as well as utilities for handling futures.
org.threadly.concurrent.future.watchdog - package org.threadly.concurrent.future.watchdog
Implementations for monitoring futures and helping ensure they eventually complete.
org.threadly.concurrent.lock - package org.threadly.concurrent.lock
Utilities for helping with locking.
org.threadly.concurrent.processing - package org.threadly.concurrent.processing
Classes that assist with processing batches or streams of data.
org.threadly.concurrent.statistics - package org.threadly.concurrent.statistics
Package of tools and scheduler wrappers for getting statistics from concurrent systems.
org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper - package org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper
Wrappers for wrapping thread pools as a way to modify behavior, monitor, or otherwise extend the functionality of the pool.
org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.compatibility - package org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.compatibility
Wrappers for adapting threadly pools for compatibility with other libraries and tools.
org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.interceptor - package org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.interceptor
Wrappers for pools so that submitted tasks can be intercepted, modified or wrapped, and then provided to the parent pool.
org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter - package org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter
Package which limits thread pools and provides the ability to create sub pools from existing thread pools.
org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.priority - package org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.priority
Wrappers for adjusting the priorities of tasks or how those priorities are interpeted.
org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.statistics - package org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.statistics
Package of scheduler wrappers for getting statistics from concurrent systems.
org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.traceability - package org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.traceability
Wrappers for improving handling thread renaming during specific task (or wrapped pools) are executed.
org.threadly.test.concurrent - package org.threadly.test.concurrent
Tools used for unit testing concurrent software.
org.threadly.util - package org.threadly.util
This package contains general and simple utilities that are used throughout the code.
org.threadly.util.debug - package org.threadly.util.debug
Utilities for debugging and tuning concurrent designs.


padEnd(String, int, char) - Static method in class org.threadly.util.StringUtils
Pads the end of the provided string with the provided character until a minimum length is reached.
padStart(String, int, char) - Static method in class org.threadly.util.StringUtils
Pads the start of the provided string with the provided character until a minimum length is reached.
Pair<L,R> - Class in org.threadly.util
A simple tuple implementation (every library needs one, right?).
Pair(L, R) - Constructor for class org.threadly.util.Pair
Constructs a new pair, providing the left and right objects to be held.
peek() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.collections.ConcurrentArrayList
peekFirst() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.collections.ConcurrentArrayList
peekLast() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.collections.ConcurrentArrayList
poll() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.collections.ConcurrentArrayList
Poller - Class in org.threadly.concurrent
Simple class for watching a condition and getting notified when a state has changed.
Poller(SubmitterScheduler, long) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.Poller
Construct a new poller which will run on the provided scheduler, and run at the specified frequency.
Poller(SubmitterScheduler, long, long) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.Poller
Construct a new poller which will run on the provided scheduler, and run at the specified frequency.
pollFirst() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.collections.ConcurrentArrayList
PollingWatchdog - Class in org.threadly.concurrent.future.watchdog
This class is designed to help ensure a future completes with an arbitrary condition to determine when a future should be canceled.
PollingWatchdog(long, boolean) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.future.watchdog.PollingWatchdog
Constructs a new PollingWatchdog.
PollingWatchdog(SubmitterScheduler, long, boolean) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.future.watchdog.PollingWatchdog
Constructs a new PollingWatchdog with a scheduler of your choosing.
pollLast() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.collections.ConcurrentArrayList
pop() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.collections.ConcurrentArrayList
prestartAllThreads() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.PriorityScheduler
Ensures all threads have been started, it will create threads till the thread count matches the set pool size (checked via PriorityScheduler.getMaxPoolSize()).
prestartExecutionThread() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.SingleThreadScheduler
Start thread for execution if not already started.
prestartExecutionThread(boolean) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.SingleThreadScheduler
Start thread for execution if not already started.
PRINT_STACKTRACE_HANDLER - Static variable in interface org.threadly.util.ExceptionHandler
Default ExceptionHandler implementation which will invoke Throwable.printStackTrace().
PriorityDelegatingScheduler - Class in org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.priority
Wrapper which will delegate the tasks provided to a specific scheduler designated for their priority.
PriorityDelegatingScheduler(SchedulerService, SchedulerService, SchedulerService, TaskPriority) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.priority.PriorityDelegatingScheduler
Construct a new PrioritySchedulerService that delegates to the given schedulers.
PriorityScheduler - Class in org.threadly.concurrent
Executor to run tasks, schedule tasks.
PriorityScheduler(int) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.PriorityScheduler
Constructs a new thread pool, though threads will be lazily started as it has tasks ready to run.
PriorityScheduler(int, boolean) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.PriorityScheduler
Constructs a new thread pool, though threads will be lazily started as it has tasks ready to run.
PriorityScheduler(int, TaskPriority, long) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.PriorityScheduler
Constructs a new thread pool, though threads will be lazily started as it has tasks ready to run.
PriorityScheduler(int, TaskPriority, long, boolean) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.PriorityScheduler
Constructs a new thread pool, though threads will be lazily started as it has tasks ready to run.
PriorityScheduler(int, TaskPriority, long, ThreadFactory) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.PriorityScheduler
Constructs a new thread pool, though threads will be lazily started as it has tasks ready to run.
PriorityScheduler(int, TaskPriority, long, boolean, ThreadFactory) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.PriorityScheduler
Constructs a new thread pool, though threads will be lazily started as it has tasks ready to run.
PrioritySchedulerDefaultPriorityWrapper - Class in org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper
PrioritySchedulerDefaultPriorityWrapper(PrioritySchedulerService, TaskPriority) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.PrioritySchedulerDefaultPriorityWrapper
Constructs a new priority wrapper with a new default priority to use.
PrioritySchedulerService - Interface in org.threadly.concurrent
This interface represents schedulers which can not only execute and schedule tasks, but run based off a given priority as well.
PrioritySchedulerServiceQueueLimitRejector - Class in org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter
A simple way to limit any PrioritySchedulerService so that queues are managed.
PrioritySchedulerServiceQueueLimitRejector(PrioritySchedulerService, int) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.PrioritySchedulerServiceQueueLimitRejector
Constructs a new PrioritySchedulerServiceQueueLimitRejector with the provided scheduler and limit.
PrioritySchedulerServiceQueueLimitRejector(PrioritySchedulerService, int, RejectedExecutionHandler) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.PrioritySchedulerServiceQueueLimitRejector
Constructs a new PrioritySchedulerServiceQueueLimitRejector with the provided scheduler, limit, and handler for when task can not be submitted to the pool.
PrioritySchedulerServiceQueueLimitRejector(PrioritySchedulerService, int, boolean) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.PrioritySchedulerServiceQueueLimitRejector
Constructs a new PrioritySchedulerServiceQueueLimitRejector with the provided scheduler and limit.
PrioritySchedulerServiceQueueLimitRejector(PrioritySchedulerService, int, boolean, RejectedExecutionHandler) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.PrioritySchedulerServiceQueueLimitRejector
Constructs a new PrioritySchedulerServiceQueueLimitRejector with the provided scheduler, limit, and handler for when task can not be submitted to the pool.
PrioritySchedulerServiceWrapper - Class in org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.compatibility
This is a wrapper for PriorityScheduler to be a drop in replacement for any ScheduledExecutorService (AKA the ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor interface).
PrioritySchedulerServiceWrapper(PriorityScheduler) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.compatibility.PrioritySchedulerServiceWrapper
Constructs a new wrapper to adhere to the ScheduledExecutorService interface.
PrioritySchedulerServiceWrapper(PriorityScheduler, TaskPriority) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.compatibility.PrioritySchedulerServiceWrapper
Constructs a new wrapper to adhere to the ScheduledExecutorService interface.
PrioritySchedulerStatisticTracker - Class in org.threadly.concurrent.statistics
An implementation of PriorityScheduler which tracks run and usage statistics.
PrioritySchedulerStatisticTracker(int) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.PrioritySchedulerStatisticTracker
Constructs a new thread pool, though no threads will be started till it accepts it's first request.
PrioritySchedulerStatisticTracker(int, boolean) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.PrioritySchedulerStatisticTracker
Constructs a new thread pool, though no threads will be started till it accepts it's first request.
PrioritySchedulerStatisticTracker(int, TaskPriority, long) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.PrioritySchedulerStatisticTracker
Constructs a new thread pool, though no threads will be started till it accepts it's first request.
PrioritySchedulerStatisticTracker(int, TaskPriority, long, boolean) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.PrioritySchedulerStatisticTracker
Constructs a new thread pool, though no threads will be started till it accepts it's first request.
PrioritySchedulerStatisticTracker(int, TaskPriority, long, ThreadFactory) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.PrioritySchedulerStatisticTracker
Constructs a new thread pool, though no threads will be started till it accepts it's first request.
PrioritySchedulerStatisticTracker(int, TaskPriority, long, boolean, ThreadFactory) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.PrioritySchedulerStatisticTracker
Constructs a new thread pool, though no threads will be started till it accepts it's first request.
PrioritySchedulerStatisticTracker(int, int) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.PrioritySchedulerStatisticTracker
PrioritySchedulerStatisticTracker(int, boolean, int) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.PrioritySchedulerStatisticTracker
PrioritySchedulerStatisticTracker(int, TaskPriority, long, int) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.PrioritySchedulerStatisticTracker
PrioritySchedulerStatisticTracker(int, TaskPriority, long, boolean, int) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.PrioritySchedulerStatisticTracker
PrioritySchedulerStatisticTracker(int, TaskPriority, long, ThreadFactory, int) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.PrioritySchedulerStatisticTracker
PrioritySchedulerStatisticTracker(int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.PrioritySchedulerStatisticTracker
Constructs a new thread pool, though no threads will be started till it accepts it's first request.
PrioritySchedulerStatisticTracker(int, boolean, int, boolean) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.PrioritySchedulerStatisticTracker
Constructs a new thread pool, though no threads will be started till it accepts it's first request.
PrioritySchedulerStatisticTracker(int, TaskPriority, long, int, boolean) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.PrioritySchedulerStatisticTracker
Constructs a new thread pool, though no threads will be started till it accepts it's first request.
PrioritySchedulerStatisticTracker(int, TaskPriority, long, boolean, int, boolean) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.PrioritySchedulerStatisticTracker
Constructs a new thread pool, though no threads will be started till it accepts it's first request.
PrioritySchedulerStatisticTracker(int, TaskPriority, long, ThreadFactory, int, boolean) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.PrioritySchedulerStatisticTracker
Constructs a new thread pool, though no threads will be started till it accepts it's first request.
PrioritySchedulerStatisticTracker(int, TaskPriority, long, boolean, ThreadFactory, int, boolean) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.PrioritySchedulerStatisticTracker
Constructs a new thread pool, though no threads will be started till it accepts it's first request.
PrioritySchedulerTaskInterceptor - Class in org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.interceptor
Class to wrap PrioritySchedulerService pool so that tasks can be intercepted and either wrapped, or modified, before being submitted to the pool.
PrioritySchedulerTaskInterceptor(PrioritySchedulerService, BiFunction<Runnable, Boolean, Runnable>) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.interceptor.PrioritySchedulerTaskInterceptor
Constructs a wrapper for PrioritySchedulerService pool so that tasks can be intercepted and modified, before being submitted to the pool.
Profiler - Class in org.threadly.util.debug
Tool for profiling a running java application to get an idea of where the slow points (either because of lock contention, or because of high computational demand).
Profiler() - Constructor for class org.threadly.util.debug.Profiler
Constructs a new profiler instance.
Profiler(int) - Constructor for class org.threadly.util.debug.Profiler
Constructs a new profiler instance.
push(T) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.collections.ConcurrentArrayList


ranConcurrently() - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestRunnable
Check if this instance has ever been detected to run concurrently.
rangedThreadPool(int, int) - Static method in class org.threadly.concurrent.CentralThreadlyPool
Requests a pool with a given range of threads.
rangedThreadPool(int, int, String) - Static method in class org.threadly.concurrent.CentralThreadlyPool
Requests a pool with a given range of threads.
rangedThreadPool(TaskPriority, int, int) - Static method in class org.threadly.concurrent.CentralThreadlyPool
Requests a pool with a given range of threads.
rangedThreadPool(TaskPriority, int, int, String) - Static method in class org.threadly.concurrent.CentralThreadlyPool
Requests a pool with a given range of threads.
ranOnce() - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestRunnable
Getter to check if the runnable has run exactly once.
RateLimiterExecutor - Class in org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter
Another way to limit executions on a scheduler.
RateLimiterExecutor(SubmitterScheduler, double) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.RateLimiterExecutor
Constructs a new RateLimiterExecutor.
RateLimiterExecutor(SubmitterScheduler, double, long) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.RateLimiterExecutor
Constructs a new RateLimiterExecutor.
RateLimiterExecutor(SubmitterScheduler, double, long, RejectedExecutionHandler) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.RateLimiterExecutor
Constructs a new RateLimiterExecutor.
recordStack() - Method in class org.threadly.util.debug.StackTracker
Record the current stack into the internally monitored traces.
registeredListenerCount() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.event.ListenerHelper
Returns how many listeners were added, and will be ran on the next invocation.
registeredListenerCount() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.event.RunnableListenerHelper
Returns how many listeners were added, and will be ran on the next call to callListeners.
RejectedExecutionHandler - Interface in org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter
Interface to be invoked when a limiter can not accept a task for any reason.
remove(Runnable) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.AbstractPriorityScheduler
remove(Callable<?>) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.AbstractPriorityScheduler
remove(Object) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.collections.ConcurrentArrayList
remove(int) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.collections.ConcurrentArrayList
remove() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.collections.ConcurrentArrayList
remove(Collection<? extends RunnableContainer>, Runnable) - Static method in class org.threadly.concurrent.ContainerHelper
Attempts to remove the provided runnable from the source collection.
remove(Collection<? extends RunnableContainer>, Callable<?>) - Static method in class org.threadly.concurrent.ContainerHelper
Attempts to remove the provided callable from the source collection.
remove(Runnable) - Method in interface org.threadly.concurrent.SchedulerService
Removes the runnable task from the execution queue.
remove(Callable<?>) - Method in interface org.threadly.concurrent.SchedulerService
Removes the callable task from the execution queue.
remove(Runnable) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.interceptor.SchedulerServiceTaskInterceptor
remove(Callable<?>) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.interceptor.SchedulerServiceTaskInterceptor
remove(Runnable) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.KeyedSchedulerServiceLimiter
Removes the runnable task from the execution queue.
remove(Callable<?>) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.KeyedSchedulerServiceLimiter
Removes the runnable task from the execution queue.
remove(Runnable) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.SchedulerServiceLimiter
remove(Callable<?>) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.SchedulerServiceLimiter
remove(Runnable) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.SchedulerServiceQueueLimitRejector
remove(Callable<?>) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.SchedulerServiceQueueLimitRejector
remove(Runnable) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.priority.DefaultPriorityWrapper
remove(Callable<?>) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.priority.DefaultPriorityWrapper
remove(Runnable) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.priority.PriorityDelegatingScheduler
remove(Callable<?>) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.priority.PriorityDelegatingScheduler
remove(Runnable) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.traceability.ThreadRenamingPriorityScheduler
remove(Callable<?>) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.traceability.ThreadRenamingPriorityScheduler
remove(Runnable) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.traceability.ThreadRenamingSchedulerService
remove(Callable<?>) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.traceability.ThreadRenamingSchedulerService
removeAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.collections.ConcurrentArrayList
removedProfiledThread(Thread) - Method in class org.threadly.util.debug.ControlledThreadProfiler
removeFirst() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.collections.ConcurrentArrayList
removeFirstOccurrence(Object) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.collections.ConcurrentArrayList
removeLast() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.collections.ConcurrentArrayList
removeLastOccurrence(Object) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.collections.ConcurrentArrayList
removeListener(T) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.event.ListenerHelper
Attempts to remove a listener waiting to be called.
removeListener(Runnable) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.event.RunnableListenerHelper
Attempts to remove a listener waiting to be called.
removeProfiledThread(Thread) - Method in class org.threadly.util.debug.ControlledThreadProfiler
Removed a thread from the set of tracked threads.
reposition(T, int) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.collections.ConcurrentArrayList
Move a stored item to a new index.
reposition(T, int, boolean) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.collections.ConcurrentArrayList
Move a stored item to a new index.
reposition(int, int) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.collections.ConcurrentArrayList
Move a stored item located at an index to a new index.
ReschedulingOperation - Class in org.threadly.concurrent
Abstract implementation for more complicated recurring behavior.
reset() - Method in class org.threadly.util.ArrayIterator
Reset the iterator back to position 0.
reset() - Method in class org.threadly.util.debug.Profiler
Reset the current stored statistics.
reset() - Method in class org.threadly.util.debug.StackTracker
Reset all stored data to allow a new capture.
resetCollectedStats() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.NoThreadSchedulerStatisticTracker
resetCollectedStats() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.PrioritySchedulerStatisticTracker
resetCollectedStats() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.SingleThreadSchedulerStatisticTracker
resetCollectedStats() - Method in interface org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.StatisticExecutor
Clears all collected rolling statistics.
resetCollectedStats() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.statistics.ExecutorStatisticWrapper
resultCallback(Consumer<? super T>, Executor, ListenableFuture.ListenerOptimizationStrategy) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.ImmediateFailureListenableFuture
resultCallback(Consumer<? super T>, Executor, ListenableFuture.ListenerOptimizationStrategy) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.ImmediateResultListenableFuture
resultCallback(Consumer<? super T>) - Method in interface org.threadly.concurrent.future.ListenableFuture
Add a Consumer to be called once the future has completed.
resultCallback(Consumer<? super T>, Executor) - Method in interface org.threadly.concurrent.future.ListenableFuture
Add a Consumer to be called once the future has completed.
resultCallback(Consumer<? super T>, Executor, ListenableFuture.ListenerOptimizationStrategy) - Method in interface org.threadly.concurrent.future.ListenableFuture
Add a Consumer to be called once the future has completed.
resultCallback(Consumer<? super T>, Executor, ListenableFuture.ListenerOptimizationStrategy) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.ScheduledFutureDelegate
resultCallback(Consumer<? super T>, Executor, ListenableFuture.ListenerOptimizationStrategy) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.SettableListenableFuture
retainAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.collections.ConcurrentArrayList
run() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.DoNothingRunnable
run() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.ExecuteOnGetFutureTask
run() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.ListenableFutureAdapterTask
run() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.ListenableFutureTask
run() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.RunnableFutureCallbackAdapter
run() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.RunnableChain
run() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.ThrowableSuppressingRunnable
run() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.traceability.ThreadRenamingRunnable
run() - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestRunnable
RunnableCallableAdapter<T> - Class in org.threadly.concurrent
Converts a Runnable with a result into a Callable.
RunnableCallableAdapter(Runnable) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.RunnableCallableAdapter
RunnableCallableAdapter(Runnable, T) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.RunnableCallableAdapter
RunnableChain - Class in org.threadly.concurrent
Moved to RunnableChain
RunnableChain(boolean, Runnable...) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.RunnableChain
Constructs a runnable chain with a provided list of runnables to iterate over.
RunnableChain(boolean, Iterable<? extends Runnable>) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.RunnableChain
Constructs a runnable chain with a provided list of runnables to iterate over.
RunnableChain - Class in org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper
A class to chain multiple runnables to later be run together, within the same thread.
RunnableChain(boolean, Runnable...) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.RunnableChain
Constructs a runnable chain with a provided array of runnables to iterate over.
RunnableChain(boolean, Iterable<? extends Runnable>) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.RunnableChain
Constructs a runnable chain with an Iterable.
RunnableContainer - Interface in org.threadly.concurrent
Interface to implement if any classes are containing a runnable.
RunnableFutureCallbackAdapter<T> - Class in org.threadly.concurrent.future
To be removed without replacement, if you use this, open an issue on github
RunnableFutureCallbackAdapter(Future<T>, FutureCallback<? super T>) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.future.RunnableFutureCallbackAdapter
RunnableListenerHelper - Class in org.threadly.concurrent.event
Class which assist with holding and calling to Runnable listeners.
RunnableListenerHelper(boolean) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.event.RunnableListenerHelper
Constructs a new RunnableListenerHelper.
runRunnable(Runnable) - Static method in class org.threadly.util.ExceptionUtils
Please use SameThreadSubmitterExecutor.instance().execute(r) as an alternative


SameThreadSubmitterExecutor - Class in org.threadly.concurrent
A SubmitterExecutor that will run all provided tasks immediately in the same thread that is calling into it.
SameThreadSubmitterExecutor() - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.SameThreadSubmitterExecutor
schedule(Runnable, long, TaskPriority) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.AbstractPriorityScheduler
schedule(Runnable, long) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.AbstractSubmitterScheduler
schedule(Runnable, long, TaskPriority) - Method in interface org.threadly.concurrent.PrioritySchedulerService
Schedule a task with a given delay and a specified priority.
schedule(Runnable, long) - Method in interface org.threadly.concurrent.SubmitterScheduler
Schedule a one time task with a given delay.
schedule(Runnable, long, TaskPriority) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.interceptor.PrioritySchedulerTaskInterceptor
schedule(Runnable, long) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.interceptor.SubmitterSchedulerTaskInterceptor
schedule(Object, Runnable, long) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.KeyDistributedScheduler
Schedule a one time task with a given delay that will not run concurrently based off the thread key.
schedule(Runnable, long, TaskPriority) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.PrioritySchedulerServiceQueueLimitRejector
schedule(Runnable, long) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.SubmitterSchedulerLimiter
schedule(Runnable, long) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.priority.DefaultPriorityWrapper
schedule(Runnable, long, TaskPriority) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.priority.DefaultPriorityWrapper
schedule(Runnable, long, TaskPriority) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.priority.PriorityDelegatingScheduler
schedule(Runnable, long, TaskPriority) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.traceability.ThreadRenamingPriorityScheduler
scheduleAtFixedRate(Runnable, long, long) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.AbstractPriorityScheduler
scheduleAtFixedRate(Runnable, long, long, TaskPriority) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.NoThreadScheduler
scheduleAtFixedRate(Runnable, long, long, TaskPriority) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.PriorityScheduler
scheduleAtFixedRate(Runnable, long, long, TaskPriority) - Method in interface org.threadly.concurrent.PrioritySchedulerService
Schedule a fixed rate recurring task to run.
scheduleAtFixedRate(Runnable, long, long, TaskPriority) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.SingleThreadScheduler
scheduleAtFixedRate(Runnable, long, long, TaskPriority) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.NoThreadSchedulerStatisticTracker
scheduleAtFixedRate(Runnable, long, long, TaskPriority) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.PrioritySchedulerStatisticTracker
scheduleAtFixedRate(Runnable, long, long) - Method in interface org.threadly.concurrent.SubmitterScheduler
Schedule a fixed rate recurring task to run.
scheduleAtFixedRate(Runnable, long, long) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.compatibility.ScheduledExecutorServiceWrapper
scheduleAtFixedRate(Runnable, long, long, TaskPriority) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.interceptor.PrioritySchedulerTaskInterceptor
scheduleAtFixedRate(Runnable, long, long) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.interceptor.SubmitterSchedulerTaskInterceptor
scheduleAtFixedRate(Runnable, long, long, TaskPriority) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.PrioritySchedulerServiceQueueLimitRejector
scheduleAtFixedRate(Runnable, long, long, TaskPriority) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.SingleThreadSchedulerSubPool
scheduleAtFixedRate(Runnable, long, long) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.SubmitterSchedulerLimiter
scheduleAtFixedRate(Runnable, long, long) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.SubmitterSchedulerQueueLimitRejector
scheduleAtFixedRate(Runnable, long, long) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.priority.DefaultPriorityWrapper
scheduleAtFixedRate(Runnable, long, long, TaskPriority) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.priority.DefaultPriorityWrapper
scheduleAtFixedRate(Runnable, long, long) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.priority.PriorityDelegatingScheduler
scheduleAtFixedRate(Runnable, long, long, TaskPriority) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.priority.PriorityDelegatingScheduler
scheduleAtFixedRate(Runnable, long, long) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.SchedulerExecutorDelegator
scheduleAtFixedRate(Runnable, long, long) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.traceability.ThreadRenamingPriorityScheduler
scheduleAtFixedRate(Runnable, long, long, TaskPriority) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.traceability.ThreadRenamingPriorityScheduler
scheduleAtFixedRate(Runnable, long, long) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.traceability.ThreadRenamingSubmitterScheduler
scheduleAtFixedRate(Runnable, long, long, TaskPriority) - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestableScheduler
ScheduledExecutorServiceWrapper - Class in org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.compatibility
This is a wrapper for the ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor to use that implementation with the SubmitterScheduler.
ScheduledExecutorServiceWrapper(ScheduledExecutorService) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.compatibility.ScheduledExecutorServiceWrapper
Constructs a new wrapper with the provided scheduler implementation.
ScheduledFutureDelegate<T> - Class in org.threadly.concurrent.future
To be removed without public replacement, if used please open github issue
ScheduledFutureDelegate(ListenableFuture<? extends T>, Delayed) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.future.ScheduledFutureDelegate
Constructs a new ScheduledFutureDelegate with the provided instances to call to for each interface.
SchedulerExecutorDelegator - Class in org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper
Class which takes in both an executor and a scheduler.
SchedulerExecutorDelegator(Executor, SubmitterScheduler) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.SchedulerExecutorDelegator
Constructs a new delegator with the provided pools to defer executions to.
SchedulerService - Interface in org.threadly.concurrent
This interface adds some more advanced features to a scheduler that are more service oriented.
SchedulerServiceLimiter - Class in org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter
This class is designed to limit how much parallel execution happens on a provided SchedulerService.
SchedulerServiceLimiter(SchedulerService, int) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.SchedulerServiceLimiter
Constructs a new limiter that implements the SchedulerService.
SchedulerServiceLimiter(SchedulerService, int, boolean) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.SchedulerServiceLimiter
Constructs a new limiter that implements the SchedulerService.
SchedulerServiceQueueLimitRejector - Class in org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter
A simple way to limit any SchedulerService so that queues are managed.
SchedulerServiceQueueLimitRejector(SchedulerService, int) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.SchedulerServiceQueueLimitRejector
Constructs a new SchedulerServiceQueueLimitRejector with the provided scheduler and limit.
SchedulerServiceQueueLimitRejector(SchedulerService, int, RejectedExecutionHandler) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.SchedulerServiceQueueLimitRejector
Constructs a new SchedulerServiceQueueLimitRejector with the provided scheduler and limit.
SchedulerServiceTaskInterceptor - Class in org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.interceptor
Class to wrap SchedulerService pool so that tasks can be intercepted and either wrapped, or modified, before being submitted to the pool.
SchedulerServiceTaskInterceptor(SchedulerService, BiFunction<Runnable, Boolean, Runnable>) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.interceptor.SchedulerServiceTaskInterceptor
Constructs a wrapper for SchedulerService pool so that tasks can be intercepted and modified, before being submitted to the pool.
scheduleTaskAtFixedRate(Object, Runnable, long, long) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.KeyDistributedScheduler
Schedule a fixed rate recurring task to run.
scheduleTaskWithFixedDelay(Object, Runnable, long, long) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.KeyDistributedScheduler
Schedule a fixed delay recurring task to run.
scheduleWhile(SubmitterScheduler, long, boolean, Runnable, Supplier<Boolean>) - Static method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.FutureUtils
Executes a task until the provided supplier returns false.
scheduleWhile(SubmitterScheduler, long, boolean, Runnable, Supplier<Boolean>, long) - Static method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.FutureUtils
Executes a task, checking the result from the task to see if it needs to reschedule the task again.
scheduleWhile(SubmitterScheduler, long, boolean, Callable<? extends T>, Predicate<? super T>) - Static method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.FutureUtils
Executes a task, checking the result from the task to see if it needs to reschedule the task again.
scheduleWhile(SubmitterScheduler, long, boolean, Callable<? extends T>, Predicate<? super T>, long, boolean) - Static method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.FutureUtils
Executes a task, checking the result from the task to see if it needs to reschedule the task again.
scheduleWhile(SubmitterScheduler, long, ListenableFuture<? extends T>, Callable<? extends T>, Predicate<? super T>) - Static method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.FutureUtils
Executes a task, checking the result from the task to see if it needs to reschedule the task again.
scheduleWhile(SubmitterScheduler, long, ListenableFuture<? extends T>, Callable<? extends T>, Predicate<? super T>, long, boolean) - Static method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.FutureUtils
Executes a task, checking the result from the task to see if it needs to reschedule the task again.
scheduleWhileTaskResultNull(SubmitterScheduler, long, boolean, Callable<? extends T>) - Static method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.FutureUtils
scheduleWhileTaskResultNull(SubmitterScheduler, long, boolean, Callable<? extends T>, long) - Static method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.FutureUtils
scheduleWithFixedDelay(Runnable, long, long) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.AbstractPriorityScheduler
scheduleWithFixedDelay(Runnable, long, long, TaskPriority) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.NoThreadScheduler
scheduleWithFixedDelay(Runnable, long, long, TaskPriority) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.PriorityScheduler
scheduleWithFixedDelay(Runnable, long, long, TaskPriority) - Method in interface org.threadly.concurrent.PrioritySchedulerService
Schedule a fixed delay recurring task to run.
scheduleWithFixedDelay(Runnable, long, long, TaskPriority) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.SingleThreadScheduler
scheduleWithFixedDelay(Runnable, long, long, TaskPriority) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.NoThreadSchedulerStatisticTracker
scheduleWithFixedDelay(Runnable, long, long, TaskPriority) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.PrioritySchedulerStatisticTracker
scheduleWithFixedDelay(Runnable, long, long) - Method in interface org.threadly.concurrent.SubmitterScheduler
Schedule a fixed delay recurring task to run.
scheduleWithFixedDelay(Runnable, long, long) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.compatibility.ScheduledExecutorServiceWrapper
scheduleWithFixedDelay(Runnable, long, long, TaskPriority) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.interceptor.PrioritySchedulerTaskInterceptor
scheduleWithFixedDelay(Runnable, long, long) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.interceptor.SubmitterSchedulerTaskInterceptor
scheduleWithFixedDelay(Runnable, long, long, TaskPriority) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.PrioritySchedulerServiceQueueLimitRejector
scheduleWithFixedDelay(Runnable, long, long, TaskPriority) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.SingleThreadSchedulerSubPool
scheduleWithFixedDelay(Runnable, long, long) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.SubmitterSchedulerLimiter
scheduleWithFixedDelay(Runnable, long, long) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.SubmitterSchedulerQueueLimitRejector
scheduleWithFixedDelay(Runnable, long, long) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.priority.DefaultPriorityWrapper
scheduleWithFixedDelay(Runnable, long, long, TaskPriority) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.priority.DefaultPriorityWrapper
scheduleWithFixedDelay(Runnable, long, long) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.priority.PriorityDelegatingScheduler
scheduleWithFixedDelay(Runnable, long, long, TaskPriority) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.priority.PriorityDelegatingScheduler
scheduleWithFixedDelay(Runnable, long, long) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.SchedulerExecutorDelegator
scheduleWithFixedDelay(Runnable, long, long) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.traceability.ThreadRenamingPriorityScheduler
scheduleWithFixedDelay(Runnable, long, long, TaskPriority) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.traceability.ThreadRenamingPriorityScheduler
scheduleWithFixedDelay(Runnable, long, long) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.traceability.ThreadRenamingSubmitterScheduler
scheduleWithFixedDelay(Runnable, long, long, TaskPriority) - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestableScheduler
SchedulingUtils - Class in org.threadly.concurrent
Class for helping calculate the offset for scheduling tasks.
SchedulingUtils() - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.SchedulingUtils
Service - Interface in org.threadly.util
A service is defined as something which is constructed in a stopped state (unless the constructor starts the service automatically).
set(int, T) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.collections.ConcurrentArrayList
setDefaultExceptionHandler(ExceptionHandler) - Static method in class org.threadly.util.ExceptionUtils
Sets the default ExceptionHandler to be used by all threads.
setFailure(Throwable) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.SettableListenableFuture
Call to indicate this future is done, and provide the occurred failure.
setFieldToPublic(Field) - Static method in class org.threadly.util.UnsafeAccess
Takes in a Field and sets the accessibility to be public.
setFrontPadding(int) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.collections.ConcurrentArrayList
This changes the configuration for the front padding amount for future modification operations.
setInheritableExceptionHandler(ExceptionHandler) - Static method in class org.threadly.util.ExceptionUtils
Sets the ExceptionHandler for this thread, and any threads that spawn off of this thread.
setLeft(L) - Method in class org.threadly.util.MutablePair
Update the left reference with the provided object.
setMaxConcurrency(int) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.ExecutorLimiter
Updates the concurrency limit for this wrapper.
setMaxScheduleDelayMillis(long) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.RateLimiterExecutor
At runtime adjust the maximum amount that this rate limiter will be willing to schedule out tasks in order to maintain the rate.
setMaxWaitForLowPriority(long) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.AbstractPriorityScheduler
Changes the max wait time for low priority tasks.
setPermitsPerSecond(double) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.RateLimiterExecutor
Sets the allowed permits per second.
setPollInterval(int) - Method in class org.threadly.util.debug.Profiler
Change how long the profiler waits before getting additional thread stacks.
setPoolSize(int) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.PriorityScheduler
Change the set thread pool size.
setQueueLimit(int) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.ExecutorQueueLimitRejector
Invoked to change the set limit.
setQueueLimit(int) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.SubmitterSchedulerQueueLimitRejector
Invoked to change the set limit.
setRearPadding(int) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.collections.ConcurrentArrayList
This changes the configuration for the rear padding amount for future modification operations.
setResult(T) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.SettableListenableFuture
Call to indicate this future is done, and provide the given result.
setRight(R) - Method in class org.threadly.util.MutablePair
Update the right reference with the provided object.
setRunDelayInMillis(int) - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestRunnable
Changes the amount of time the runnable will sleep/block when called.
setRunningThread(Thread) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.SettableListenableFuture
Optional call to set the thread internally that will be generating the result for this future.
setScheduleDelay(long) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.ReschedulingOperation
Adjusts the delay at which this task is scheduled or rescheduled.
SettableListenableFuture<T> - Class in org.threadly.concurrent.future
This class is designed to be a helper when returning a single result asynchronously.
SettableListenableFuture() - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.future.SettableListenableFuture
Constructs a new SettableListenableFuture.
SettableListenableFuture(boolean) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.future.SettableListenableFuture
Constructs a new SettableListenableFuture.
setThreadExceptionHandler(ExceptionHandler) - Static method in class org.threadly.util.ExceptionUtils
Sets the ExceptionHandler for this thread.
shiftLocalHourToUTC(int) - Static method in class org.threadly.concurrent.SchedulingUtils
This will shift an hour from the local time zone to UTC.
shutdown() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.PriorityScheduler
Stops any new tasks from being submitted to the pool.
shutdown() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.SingleThreadScheduler
Stops any new tasks from being submitted to the pool.
shutdown() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.UnfairExecutor
Stops any new tasks from being submitted to the pool.
shutdown() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.compatibility.PrioritySchedulerServiceWrapper
shutdown() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.compatibility.SingleThreadSchedulerServiceWrapper
shutdownNow() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.PriorityScheduler
Stops any new tasks from being able to be executed and removes workers from the pool.
shutdownNow() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.SingleThreadScheduler
Stops any new tasks from being submitted to the pool.
shutdownNow() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.PrioritySchedulerStatisticTracker
shutdownNow() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.SingleThreadSchedulerStatisticTracker
shutdownNow() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.UnfairExecutor
Stops any new tasks from being submitted to the pool.
shutdownNow() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.compatibility.PrioritySchedulerServiceWrapper
This call will stop the processor as quick as possible.
shutdownNow() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.compatibility.SingleThreadSchedulerServiceWrapper
signalComplete() - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.AsyncVerifier
Call to indicate that this thread has finished, and should notify the waiting main test thread that the test may be complete.
signalToRun() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.ReschedulingOperation
Invoke to indicate that this operation has stuff to do.
signalToRunImmediately(boolean) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.ReschedulingOperation
Similar to ReschedulingOperation.signalToRun() except that any configured schedule / delay will be ignored and instead the task will try to run ASAP.
singleThreadPool() - Static method in class org.threadly.concurrent.CentralThreadlyPool
Return a single threaded pool.
singleThreadPool(String) - Static method in class org.threadly.concurrent.CentralThreadlyPool
Return a single threaded pool.
singleThreadPool(boolean) - Static method in class org.threadly.concurrent.CentralThreadlyPool
Return a single threaded pool.
singleThreadPool(boolean, String) - Static method in class org.threadly.concurrent.CentralThreadlyPool
Return a single threaded pool.
singleThreadPool(boolean, String, int) - Static method in class org.threadly.concurrent.CentralThreadlyPool
Return a single threaded pool.
SingleThreadScheduler - Class in org.threadly.concurrent
A simple and light weight implementation of the SchedulerService.
SingleThreadScheduler() - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.SingleThreadScheduler
Constructs a new SingleThreadScheduler.
SingleThreadScheduler(TaskPriority, long) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.SingleThreadScheduler
Constructs a new SingleThreadScheduler.
SingleThreadScheduler(boolean) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.SingleThreadScheduler
Constructs a new SingleThreadScheduler.
SingleThreadScheduler(TaskPriority, long, boolean) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.SingleThreadScheduler
Constructs a new SingleThreadScheduler.
SingleThreadScheduler(ThreadFactory) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.SingleThreadScheduler
Constructs a new SingleThreadScheduler.
SingleThreadScheduler(TaskPriority, long, ThreadFactory) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.SingleThreadScheduler
Constructs a new SingleThreadScheduler.
SingleThreadSchedulerServiceWrapper - Class in org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.compatibility
This is a wrapper for SingleThreadScheduler to be a drop in replacement for any ScheduledExecutorService (AKA the ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor interface).
SingleThreadSchedulerServiceWrapper(SingleThreadScheduler) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.compatibility.SingleThreadSchedulerServiceWrapper
Constructs a new wrapper to adhere to the ScheduledExecutorService interface.
SingleThreadSchedulerServiceWrapper(SingleThreadScheduler, TaskPriority) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.compatibility.SingleThreadSchedulerServiceWrapper
Constructs a new wrapper to adhere to the ScheduledExecutorService interface.
SingleThreadSchedulerStatisticTracker - Class in org.threadly.concurrent.statistics
An implementation of SingleThreadScheduler which tracks run and usage statistics.
SingleThreadSchedulerStatisticTracker() - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.SingleThreadSchedulerStatisticTracker
Constructs a new SingleThreadScheduler.
SingleThreadSchedulerStatisticTracker(TaskPriority, long) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.SingleThreadSchedulerStatisticTracker
Constructs a new SingleThreadScheduler.
SingleThreadSchedulerStatisticTracker(boolean) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.SingleThreadSchedulerStatisticTracker
Constructs a new SingleThreadScheduler.
SingleThreadSchedulerStatisticTracker(TaskPriority, long, boolean) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.SingleThreadSchedulerStatisticTracker
Constructs a new SingleThreadScheduler.
SingleThreadSchedulerStatisticTracker(ThreadFactory) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.SingleThreadSchedulerStatisticTracker
Constructs a new SingleThreadScheduler.
SingleThreadSchedulerStatisticTracker(TaskPriority, long, ThreadFactory) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.SingleThreadSchedulerStatisticTracker
Constructs a new SingleThreadScheduler.
SingleThreadSchedulerStatisticTracker(int) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.SingleThreadSchedulerStatisticTracker
Constructs a new SingleThreadScheduler.
SingleThreadSchedulerStatisticTracker(TaskPriority, long, int) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.SingleThreadSchedulerStatisticTracker
Constructs a new SingleThreadScheduler.
SingleThreadSchedulerStatisticTracker(boolean, int) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.SingleThreadSchedulerStatisticTracker
Constructs a new SingleThreadScheduler.
SingleThreadSchedulerStatisticTracker(TaskPriority, long, boolean, int) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.SingleThreadSchedulerStatisticTracker
Constructs a new SingleThreadScheduler.
SingleThreadSchedulerStatisticTracker(ThreadFactory, int) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.SingleThreadSchedulerStatisticTracker
Constructs a new SingleThreadScheduler.
SingleThreadSchedulerStatisticTracker(TaskPriority, long, ThreadFactory, int) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.SingleThreadSchedulerStatisticTracker
Constructs a new SingleThreadScheduler.
SingleThreadSchedulerStatisticTracker(int, boolean) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.SingleThreadSchedulerStatisticTracker
Constructs a new SingleThreadScheduler.
SingleThreadSchedulerStatisticTracker(TaskPriority, long, int, boolean) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.SingleThreadSchedulerStatisticTracker
Constructs a new SingleThreadScheduler.
SingleThreadSchedulerStatisticTracker(boolean, int, boolean) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.SingleThreadSchedulerStatisticTracker
Constructs a new SingleThreadScheduler.
SingleThreadSchedulerStatisticTracker(TaskPriority, long, boolean, int, boolean) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.SingleThreadSchedulerStatisticTracker
Constructs a new SingleThreadScheduler.
SingleThreadSchedulerStatisticTracker(ThreadFactory, int, boolean) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.SingleThreadSchedulerStatisticTracker
Constructs a new SingleThreadScheduler.
SingleThreadSchedulerStatisticTracker(TaskPriority, long, ThreadFactory, int, boolean) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.statistics.SingleThreadSchedulerStatisticTracker
Constructs a new SingleThreadScheduler.
SingleThreadSchedulerSubPool - Class in org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter
This sub-pool is a special type of limiter.
SingleThreadSchedulerSubPool(SchedulerService) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.SingleThreadSchedulerSubPool
Construct a new single threaded sub-pool.
SingleThreadSchedulerSubPool(SchedulerService, TaskPriority, long) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.SingleThreadSchedulerSubPool
Construct a new single threaded sub-pool with default task priority behaviors.
size() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.collections.ConcurrentArrayList
sleep(long) - Static method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestUtils
Since sleeps are sometimes necessary, this makes an easy way to ignore InterruptedException's.
SortUtils - Class in org.threadly.util
A collection of utilities for searching and sorting against collections and other data providers.
SortUtils() - Constructor for class org.threadly.util.SortUtils
split(Collection<? extends Pair<? extends L, ? extends R>>) - Static method in class org.threadly.util.Pair
Split a collection of pair's into a pair of two collections.
StackSuppressedRuntimeException - Exception in org.threadly.util
Type of RuntimeException which does not generate a stack at it's point of creation.
StackSuppressedRuntimeException() - Constructor for exception org.threadly.util.StackSuppressedRuntimeException
Construct a new exception with no message or cause.
StackSuppressedRuntimeException(String) - Constructor for exception org.threadly.util.StackSuppressedRuntimeException
Construct a new exception with a provided message and no cause.
StackSuppressedRuntimeException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.threadly.util.StackSuppressedRuntimeException
Construct a new exception with a provided cause.
StackSuppressedRuntimeException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.threadly.util.StackSuppressedRuntimeException
Construct a new exception providing both a unique message and cause.
stackToString(Throwable) - Static method in class org.threadly.util.ExceptionUtils
Convert throwable's stack and message into a simple string.
stackToString(StackTraceElement[]) - Static method in class org.threadly.util.ExceptionUtils
Writes the stack trace array out to a string.
StackTracker - Class in org.threadly.util.debug
This thread safe class allows you to record stacks in the code so that you can understand HOW something is being called.
StackTracker() - Constructor for class org.threadly.util.debug.StackTracker
start() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.processing.FlowControlledProcessor
Start processing tasks.
start() - Method in class org.threadly.util.AbstractService
start() - Method in class org.threadly.util.debug.Profiler
Starts the profiler running in a new thread.
start(Executor) - Method in class org.threadly.util.debug.Profiler
Starts the profiler running in a new thread.
start(long) - Method in class org.threadly.util.debug.Profiler
Starts the profiler running in a new thread.
start(Executor, long) - Method in class org.threadly.util.debug.Profiler
Starts the profiler running in a new thread.
start() - Method in interface org.threadly.util.Service
Starts the service, blocking until the service is running.
startClockUpdateThread() - Static method in class org.threadly.util.Clock
Starts a thread to regularly updated the clock automatically.
startIfNotStarted() - Method in class org.threadly.util.AbstractService
startIfNotStarted() - Method in interface org.threadly.util.Service
Starts the service if it has not already been started.
StatisticExecutor - Interface in org.threadly.concurrent.statistics
Interface for some basic statistic elements provided by any statistic executor/scheduler or any executor/scheduler wrappers.
StatisticPriorityScheduler - Interface in org.threadly.concurrent.statistics
An extension of StatisticExecutor, defining specific behavior when the statistic tracker is implementing for a scheduler which has a concept of task priorities.
StatisticsUtils - Class in org.threadly.util
Utilities for getting some basic statistics out of numerical data collections.
StatisticsUtils() - Constructor for class org.threadly.util.StatisticsUtils
stop() - Method in class org.threadly.util.AbstractService
stop() - Method in class org.threadly.util.debug.Profiler
Stops the profiler from collecting more statistics.
stop() - Method in interface org.threadly.util.Service
Stops the service, blocking until the service is shutdown.
stopClockUpdateThread() - Static method in class org.threadly.util.Clock
Stops the clock from updating automatically.
stopIfRunning() - Method in class org.threadly.util.AbstractService
stopIfRunning() - Method in interface org.threadly.util.Service
Stops the service if it currently running.
StringBufferWriter - Class in org.threadly.util
Class to wrap a StringBuffer to implement the Writer interface.
StringBufferWriter(StringBuffer) - Constructor for class org.threadly.util.StringBufferWriter
Constructs a new writer with the provided StringBuffer to write to.
StringBuilderWriter - Class in org.threadly.util
Class to wrap a StringBuilder to implement the Writer interface.
StringBuilderWriter(StringBuilder) - Constructor for class org.threadly.util.StringBuilderWriter
Constructs a new writer with the provided StringBuilder to write to.
StringUtils - Class in org.threadly.util
Some small utilities and constants around handling strings.
StringUtils() - Constructor for class org.threadly.util.StringUtils
StripedLock - Class in org.threadly.concurrent.lock
To be removed without replacement, if this is useful please file an issue on github
StripedLock(int) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.lock.StripedLock
Constructs a new StripedLock with a given expected concurrency level.
subList(int, int) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.collections.ConcurrentArrayList
This returns a sub list from the current list.
submit(Runnable, T, TaskPriority) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.AbstractPriorityScheduler
submit(Callable<T>, TaskPriority) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.AbstractPriorityScheduler
submit(Runnable, T) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.AbstractSubmitterExecutor
submit(Callable<T>) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.AbstractSubmitterExecutor
submit(Runnable, TaskPriority) - Method in interface org.threadly.concurrent.PrioritySchedulerService
Submit a task to run as soon as possible for the given priority.
submit(Runnable, T, TaskPriority) - Method in interface org.threadly.concurrent.PrioritySchedulerService
Submit a task to run as soon as possible for the given priority.
submit(Callable<T>, TaskPriority) - Method in interface org.threadly.concurrent.PrioritySchedulerService
Submit a Callable to run as soon as possible for the given priority.
submit(Runnable, T) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.SameThreadSubmitterExecutor
submit(Callable<T>) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.SameThreadSubmitterExecutor
submit(Runnable) - Method in interface org.threadly.concurrent.SubmitterExecutor
Submit a task to run as soon as possible.
submit(Runnable, T) - Method in interface org.threadly.concurrent.SubmitterExecutor
Submit a task to run as soon as possible.
submit(Callable<T>) - Method in interface org.threadly.concurrent.SubmitterExecutor
Submit a Callable to run as soon as possible.
submit(Runnable, T) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.interceptor.ExecutorTaskInterceptor
submit(Callable<T>) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.interceptor.ExecutorTaskInterceptor
submit(Runnable, T, TaskPriority) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.interceptor.PrioritySchedulerTaskInterceptor
submit(Callable<T>, TaskPriority) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.interceptor.PrioritySchedulerTaskInterceptor
submit(Object, Runnable) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.KeyDistributedExecutor
Submit a task to be run with a given thread key.
submit(Object, Runnable, T) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.KeyDistributedExecutor
Submit a task to be run with a given thread key.
submit(Object, Callable<T>) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.KeyDistributedExecutor
Submit a callable to be run with a given thread key.
submit(Runnable, T) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.ExecutorLimiter
submit(Callable<T>) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.ExecutorLimiter
submit(Object, Runnable) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.KeyedRateLimiterExecutor
Submit a task to be run with a given thread key.
submit(double, Object, Runnable) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.KeyedRateLimiterExecutor
Submit a task to be run with a given thread key.
submit(Object, Runnable, T) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.KeyedRateLimiterExecutor
Submit a task to be run with a given thread key.
submit(double, Object, Runnable, T) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.KeyedRateLimiterExecutor
Submit a task to be run with a given thread key.
submit(Object, Callable<T>) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.KeyedRateLimiterExecutor
Submit a callable to be run with a given thread key.
submit(double, Object, Callable<T>) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.KeyedRateLimiterExecutor
Submit a callable to be run with a given thread key.
submit(Runnable, TaskPriority) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.PrioritySchedulerServiceQueueLimitRejector
submit(Runnable, T, TaskPriority) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.PrioritySchedulerServiceQueueLimitRejector
submit(Callable<T>, TaskPriority) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.PrioritySchedulerServiceQueueLimitRejector
submit(Runnable, T) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.RateLimiterExecutor
submit(double, Runnable) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.RateLimiterExecutor
Exact same as the submit counter part, except you can specify how many permits this task will require/use (instead of defaulting to 1).
submit(double, Runnable, T) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.RateLimiterExecutor
Exact same as the submit counter part, except you can specify how many permits this task will require/use (instead of defaulting to 1).
submit(Callable<T>) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.RateLimiterExecutor
submit(double, Callable<T>) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.RateLimiterExecutor
Exact same as the submit counter part, except you can specify how many permits this task will require/use (instead of defaulting to 1).
submit(Runnable) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.priority.DefaultPriorityWrapper
submit(Runnable, T) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.priority.DefaultPriorityWrapper
submit(Runnable, TaskPriority) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.priority.DefaultPriorityWrapper
submit(Runnable, T, TaskPriority) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.priority.DefaultPriorityWrapper
submit(Callable<T>) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.priority.DefaultPriorityWrapper
submit(Callable<T>, TaskPriority) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.priority.DefaultPriorityWrapper
submit(Runnable, T, TaskPriority) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.priority.PriorityDelegatingScheduler
submit(Callable<T>, TaskPriority) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.priority.PriorityDelegatingScheduler
submit(Runnable, T, TaskPriority) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.traceability.ThreadRenamingPriorityScheduler
submit(Callable<T>, TaskPriority) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.traceability.ThreadRenamingPriorityScheduler
submitScheduled(Runnable, T, long, TaskPriority) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.AbstractPriorityScheduler
submitScheduled(Callable<T>, long, TaskPriority) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.AbstractPriorityScheduler
submitScheduled(Runnable, T, long) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.AbstractSubmitterScheduler
submitScheduled(Callable<T>, long) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.AbstractSubmitterScheduler
submitScheduled(Runnable, long, TaskPriority) - Method in interface org.threadly.concurrent.PrioritySchedulerService
Schedule a task with a given delay and a specified priority.
submitScheduled(Runnable, T, long, TaskPriority) - Method in interface org.threadly.concurrent.PrioritySchedulerService
Schedule a task with a given delay and a specified priority.
submitScheduled(Callable<T>, long, TaskPriority) - Method in interface org.threadly.concurrent.PrioritySchedulerService
Schedule a Callable with a given delay.
submitScheduled(Runnable, long) - Method in interface org.threadly.concurrent.SubmitterScheduler
Schedule a task with a given delay.
submitScheduled(Runnable, T, long) - Method in interface org.threadly.concurrent.SubmitterScheduler
Schedule a task with a given delay.
submitScheduled(Callable<T>, long) - Method in interface org.threadly.concurrent.SubmitterScheduler
Schedule a Callable with a given delay.
submitScheduled(Runnable, T, long, TaskPriority) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.interceptor.PrioritySchedulerTaskInterceptor
submitScheduled(Callable<T>, long, TaskPriority) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.interceptor.PrioritySchedulerTaskInterceptor
submitScheduled(Runnable, T, long) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.interceptor.SubmitterSchedulerTaskInterceptor
submitScheduled(Callable<T>, long) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.interceptor.SubmitterSchedulerTaskInterceptor
submitScheduled(Object, Runnable, long) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.KeyDistributedScheduler
Schedule a task with a given delay.
submitScheduled(Object, Runnable, T, long) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.KeyDistributedScheduler
Schedule a task with a given delay.
submitScheduled(Object, Callable<T>, long) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.KeyDistributedScheduler
Schedule a Callable with a given delay.
submitScheduled(Runnable, long, TaskPriority) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.PrioritySchedulerServiceQueueLimitRejector
submitScheduled(Runnable, T, long, TaskPriority) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.PrioritySchedulerServiceQueueLimitRejector
submitScheduled(Callable<T>, long, TaskPriority) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.PrioritySchedulerServiceQueueLimitRejector
submitScheduled(Runnable, long) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.SubmitterSchedulerLimiter
submitScheduled(Runnable, T, long) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.SubmitterSchedulerLimiter
submitScheduled(Callable<T>, long) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.SubmitterSchedulerLimiter
submitScheduled(Runnable, long) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.priority.DefaultPriorityWrapper
submitScheduled(Runnable, T, long) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.priority.DefaultPriorityWrapper
submitScheduled(Runnable, long, TaskPriority) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.priority.DefaultPriorityWrapper
submitScheduled(Runnable, T, long, TaskPriority) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.priority.DefaultPriorityWrapper
submitScheduled(Callable<T>, long) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.priority.DefaultPriorityWrapper
submitScheduled(Callable<T>, long, TaskPriority) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.priority.DefaultPriorityWrapper
submitScheduled(Runnable, T, long, TaskPriority) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.priority.PriorityDelegatingScheduler
submitScheduled(Callable<T>, long, TaskPriority) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.priority.PriorityDelegatingScheduler
submitScheduled(Runnable, T, long, TaskPriority) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.traceability.ThreadRenamingPriorityScheduler
submitScheduled(Callable<T>, long, TaskPriority) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.traceability.ThreadRenamingPriorityScheduler
SubmitterExecutor - Interface in org.threadly.concurrent
A thread pool for executing tasks with provided futures.
SubmitterExecutorAdapter - Class in org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper
A simple wrapper class for Executor implementations to provide SubmitterExecutor capabilities.
SubmitterExecutorAdapter(Executor) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.SubmitterExecutorAdapter
Constructors a new wrapper instance with the provided executor to defer calls to.
SubmitterScheduler - Interface in org.threadly.concurrent
A thread pool for scheduling tasks with provided futures.
SubmitterSchedulerLimiter - Class in org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter
This class is designed to limit how much parallel execution happens on a provided SubmitterScheduler.
SubmitterSchedulerLimiter(SubmitterScheduler, int) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.SubmitterSchedulerLimiter
Constructs a new limiter that implements the SubmitterScheduler.
SubmitterSchedulerLimiter(SubmitterScheduler, int, boolean) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.SubmitterSchedulerLimiter
Constructs a new limiter that implements the SubmitterScheduler.
SubmitterSchedulerQueueLimitRejector - Class in org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter
A simple way to limit any SubmitterScheduler so that queues are managed.
SubmitterSchedulerQueueLimitRejector(SubmitterScheduler, int) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.SubmitterSchedulerQueueLimitRejector
Constructs a new SubmitterSchedulerQueueLimitRejector with the provided scheduler and limit.
SubmitterSchedulerQueueLimitRejector(SubmitterScheduler, int, RejectedExecutionHandler) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.SubmitterSchedulerQueueLimitRejector
Constructs a new SubmitterSchedulerQueueLimitRejector with the provided scheduler and limit.
SubmitterSchedulerTaskInterceptor - Class in org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.interceptor
Class to wrap SubmitterScheduler pool so that tasks can be intercepted and either wrapped, or modified, before being submitted to the pool.
SubmitterSchedulerTaskInterceptor(SubmitterScheduler, BiFunction<Runnable, Boolean, Runnable>) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.interceptor.SubmitterSchedulerTaskInterceptor
Constructs a wrapper for SubmitterScheduler pool so that tasks can be intercepted and modified, before being submitted to the pool.
subSequence(int, int) - Method in class org.threadly.util.StringBufferWriter
subSequence(int, int) - Method in class org.threadly.util.StringBuilderWriter
SuppressedStackRuntimeException - Exception in org.threadly.util
SuppressedStackRuntimeException() - Constructor for exception org.threadly.util.SuppressedStackRuntimeException
Construct a new exception with no message or cause.
SuppressedStackRuntimeException(String) - Constructor for exception org.threadly.util.SuppressedStackRuntimeException
Construct a new exception with a provided message and no cause.
SuppressedStackRuntimeException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.threadly.util.SuppressedStackRuntimeException
Construct a new exception with a provided cause.
SuppressedStackRuntimeException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.threadly.util.SuppressedStackRuntimeException
Construct a new exception providing both a unique message and cause.


TaskPriority - Enum in org.threadly.concurrent
Priority to go with tasks when being submitted into implementations of PrioritySchedulerService.
tee(Class<? super T>, T...) - Static method in class org.threadly.concurrent.event.InvocationTee
This creates a tee proxy for a given class with a set of instances of said interface.
teeWithExceptionThrowing(Class<? super T>, T...) - Static method in class org.threadly.concurrent.event.InvocationTee
This implementation is variation from InvocationTee.tee(Class, Object...), read that documentation first.
teeWithExecutor(Executor, Class<? super T>, T...) - Static method in class org.threadly.concurrent.event.InvocationTee
This implementation is variation from InvocationTee.tee(Class, Object...), read that documentation first.
TestableScheduler - Class in org.threadly.test.concurrent
Now provided by org.threadly:threadly-test:0,1 artifact
TestableScheduler() - Constructor for class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestableScheduler
Constructs a new TestableScheduler scheduler.
TestableScheduler(TaskPriority, long) - Constructor for class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestableScheduler
Constructs a new TestableScheduler scheduler.
TestCondition - Class in org.threadly.test.concurrent
Now provided by org.threadly:threadly-test:0,1 artifact
TestCondition() - Constructor for class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestCondition
This constructor is expected to have TestCondition.get() overridden, otherwise an exception will be thrown when this condition is checked/used.
TestCondition(Supplier<Boolean>) - Constructor for class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestCondition
Construct a new TestCondition with a provided supplier for when the state changes.
TestCondition(Supplier<? extends T>, Predicate<? super T>) - Constructor for class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestCondition
Construct a new TestCondition where one function will supply a result and a second function will test that result to see if the condition is met.
TestCondition.ConditionTimeoutException - Exception in org.threadly.test.concurrent
Thrown if condition is still false after a given timeout.
TestRunnable - Class in org.threadly.test.concurrent
Now provided by org.threadly:threadly-test:0,1 artifact
TestRunnable() - Constructor for class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestRunnable
Constructs a new runnable for unit testing.
TestRunnable(int) - Constructor for class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestRunnable
Constructs a new runnable for unit testing.
TestUtils - Class in org.threadly.test.concurrent
Now provided by org.threadly:threadly-test:0,1 artifact
TestUtils() - Constructor for class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestUtils
threadNamePrefix(String) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.ConfigurableThreadFactory.ConfigurableThreadFactoryBuilder
Call to set the prefix for newly created threads names.
threadNamePrefix(String) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.ThreadReferencingThreadFactory.ThreadReferencingThreadFactoryBuilder
threadPool(int) - Static method in class org.threadly.concurrent.CentralThreadlyPool
Requests a pool with a given size.
threadPool(int, String) - Static method in class org.threadly.concurrent.CentralThreadlyPool
Requests a pool with a given size.
threadPool(TaskPriority, int) - Static method in class org.threadly.concurrent.CentralThreadlyPool
Requests a pool with a given size.
threadPool(TaskPriority, int, String) - Static method in class org.threadly.concurrent.CentralThreadlyPool
Requests a pool with a given size.
threadPriority(int) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.ConfigurableThreadFactory.ConfigurableThreadFactoryBuilder
Sets the priority associated to the thread.
threadPriority(int) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.ThreadReferencingThreadFactory.ThreadReferencingThreadFactoryBuilder
ThreadReferencingThreadFactory - Class in org.threadly.concurrent
A thread factory which keeps a WeakReference to each thread.
ThreadReferencingThreadFactory() - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.ThreadReferencingThreadFactory
Constructs a new ThreadReferencingThreadFactory with the default parameters.
ThreadReferencingThreadFactory(String, boolean) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.ThreadReferencingThreadFactory
Constructs a new ThreadReferencingThreadFactory specifying the prefix for the name of newly created threads.
ThreadReferencingThreadFactory(boolean) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.ThreadReferencingThreadFactory
Constructs a new ThreadReferencingThreadFactory specifying the behavior for if threads should be daemon or not.
ThreadReferencingThreadFactory(int) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.ThreadReferencingThreadFactory
Constructs a new ThreadReferencingThreadFactory specifying the priority for produced threads.
ThreadReferencingThreadFactory(Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.ThreadReferencingThreadFactory
Constructs a new ThreadReferencingThreadFactory specifying an Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler that will be provided to all newly created threads.
ThreadReferencingThreadFactory(ExceptionHandler) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.ThreadReferencingThreadFactory
Constructs a new ConfigurableThreadFactory specifying an ExceptionHandler that will be provided to all newly created threads.
ThreadReferencingThreadFactory(String, boolean, boolean, int, Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler, ExceptionHandler) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.ThreadReferencingThreadFactory
Constructs a new ThreadReferencingThreadFactory allowing you to provide specific values for everything which this class allows to be configured.
ThreadReferencingThreadFactory.ThreadReferencingThreadFactoryBuilder - Class in org.threadly.concurrent
Builder for configuring a new ThreadReferencingThreadFactory.
ThreadReferencingThreadFactoryBuilder() - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.ThreadReferencingThreadFactory.ThreadReferencingThreadFactoryBuilder
ThreadRenamingExecutor - Class in org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.traceability
Class which wraps a Executor and wraps all supplied tasks in a ThreadRenamingRunnable.
ThreadRenamingExecutor(Executor, String, boolean) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.traceability.ThreadRenamingExecutor
Constructs a new ThreadRenamingExecutor, wrapping a supplied Executor.
ThreadRenamingPriorityScheduler - Class in org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.traceability
Class which wraps a PrioritySchedulerService and wraps all supplied tasks in a ThreadRenamingRunnable.
ThreadRenamingPriorityScheduler(PrioritySchedulerService, String, boolean) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.traceability.ThreadRenamingPriorityScheduler
Constructs a new ThreadRenamingPriorityScheduler, wrapping a supplied PrioritySchedulerService.
ThreadRenamingRunnable - Class in org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.traceability
A simple runnable wrapper which will rename the thread during execution, and set the name back at the end of execution.
ThreadRenamingRunnable(Runnable, String, boolean) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.traceability.ThreadRenamingRunnable
Constructs a new ThreadRenamingRunnable.
ThreadRenamingSchedulerService - Class in org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.traceability
Class which wraps a SchedulerService and wraps all supplied tasks in a ThreadRenamingRunnable.
ThreadRenamingSchedulerService(SchedulerService, String, boolean) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.traceability.ThreadRenamingSchedulerService
Constructs a new ThreadRenamingSchedulerService, wrapping a supplied SchedulerService.
ThreadRenamingSubmitterScheduler - Class in org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.traceability
Class which wraps a SubmitterScheduler and wraps all supplied tasks in a ThreadRenamingRunnable.
ThreadRenamingSubmitterScheduler(SubmitterScheduler, String, boolean) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.traceability.ThreadRenamingSubmitterScheduler
Constructs a new ThreadRenamingSubmitterScheduler, wrapping a supplied SubmitterScheduler.
THROW_REJECTED_EXECUTION_EXCEPTION - Static variable in interface org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.limiter.RejectedExecutionHandler
Typically the default handler for most pool implementations.
ThrowableSuppressingRunnable - Class in org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper
Class that is designed to wrap a runnable, and prevent any throwables from propagating out of the run function.
ThrowableSuppressingRunnable(Runnable) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.ThrowableSuppressingRunnable
Constructs a new ThrowableSurpressingRunnable with the provided task.
throwMap(Function<? super T, ? extends R>) - Method in interface org.threadly.concurrent.future.ListenableFuture
Transform this future's result into another result by applying the provided mapper function.
throwMap(Function<? super T, ? extends R>, Executor) - Method in interface org.threadly.concurrent.future.ListenableFuture
Transform this future's result into another result by applying the provided mapper function.
throwMap(Function<? super T, ? extends R>, Executor, ListenableFuture.ListenerOptimizationStrategy) - Method in interface org.threadly.concurrent.future.ListenableFuture
Transform this future's result into another result by applying the provided mapper function.
tick(ExceptionHandler) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.NoThreadScheduler
Invoking this will run any tasks which are ready to be run.
tick() - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestableScheduler
Progresses tasks for the current time.
tick(ExceptionHandler) - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestableScheduler
Progresses tasks for the current time.
tick(long) - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestableScheduler
This progresses tasks based off the time provided.
tick(long, ExceptionHandler) - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestableScheduler
This progresses tasks based off the time provided.
toArray() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.collections.ConcurrentArrayList
toArray(E[]) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.collections.ConcurrentArrayList
toCompletable(ListenableFuture<? extends T>) - Static method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.CompletableFutureAdapter
Convert from a ListenableFuture to CompletableFuture.
toListenable(CompletableFuture<? extends T>) - Static method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.CompletableFutureAdapter
Convert from a CompletableFuture to ListenableFuture.
toString() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.collections.ConcurrentArrayList
toString() - Method in class org.threadly.util.Pair
transform(Collection<? extends Pair<? extends OL, ? extends OR>>, Function<? super OL, ? extends NL>, Function<? super OR, ? extends NR>) - Static method in class org.threadly.util.Pair
Function to assist in transforming a collection of pairs into a new resulting list.
transformLeft(Collection<? extends Pair<? extends OL, ? extends R>>, Function<? super OL, ? extends NL>) - Static method in class org.threadly.util.Pair
Function to assist in transforming the left side of pairs from one form to another.
transformRight(Collection<? extends Pair<? extends L, ? extends OR>>, Function<? super OR, ? extends NR>) - Static method in class org.threadly.util.Pair
Function to assist in transforming the right side of pairs from one form to another.
trimToSize() - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.collections.ConcurrentArrayList
Trims the internally array to discard any unused storage.


UnfairExecutor - Class in org.threadly.concurrent
A very high performance SubmitterExecutor implementation.
UnfairExecutor(int) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.UnfairExecutor
Constructs a new UnfairExecutor with a provided thread count.
UnfairExecutor(int, UnfairExecutor.TaskStripeGenerator) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.UnfairExecutor
Constructs a new UnfairExecutor with a provided thread count.
UnfairExecutor(int, boolean) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.UnfairExecutor
Constructs a new UnfairExecutor with a provided thread count.
UnfairExecutor(int, boolean, UnfairExecutor.TaskStripeGenerator) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.UnfairExecutor
Constructs a new UnfairExecutor with a provided thread count.
UnfairExecutor(int, ThreadFactory) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.UnfairExecutor
Constructs a new UnfairExecutor with a provided thread count and factory.
UnfairExecutor(int, ThreadFactory, UnfairExecutor.TaskStripeGenerator) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.UnfairExecutor
Constructs a new UnfairExecutor with a provided thread count and factory.
UnfairExecutor.AtomicStripeGenerator - Class in org.threadly.concurrent
Stripe generator which will round robin distribute tasks to threads.
UnfairExecutor.TaskHashXorTimeStripeGenerator - Class in org.threadly.concurrent
Generator which will determine the task stripe by using the identity hash of the runnable and Clock.lastKnownTimeNanos().
UnfairExecutor.TaskStripeGenerator - Interface in org.threadly.concurrent
Strategy for taking in a task and producing a long which will be translated to which thread the task should be distributed on to.
UnsafeAccess - Class in org.threadly.util
To be removed due to lack of JVM support
UnsafeAccess() - Constructor for class org.threadly.util.UnsafeAccess
useDaemonThreads(boolean) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.ConfigurableThreadFactory.ConfigurableThreadFactoryBuilder
Sets of the created threads should be started with daemon status.
useDaemonThreads(boolean) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.ThreadReferencingThreadFactory.ThreadReferencingThreadFactoryBuilder


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.threadly.concurrent.future.ListenableFuture.ListenerOptimizationStrategy
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.threadly.concurrent.TaskPriority
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum org.threadly.concurrent.future.ListenableFuture.ListenerOptimizationStrategy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.threadly.concurrent.TaskPriority
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.


waitForTest() - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.AsyncVerifier
Waits for a default of 10 seconds, or until signalComplete has been called once, or until a failure occurs.
waitForTest(long) - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.AsyncVerifier
Waits a specified amount of time, or until signalComplete has been called once, or until a failure occurs.
waitForTest(long, int) - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.AsyncVerifier
Waits a specified amount of time, or until signalComplete has been called a specified amount of times, or until a failure occurs.
watch(ListenableFuture<?>) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.watchdog.ConstantTimeWatchdog
Watch a given ListenableFuture to ensure that it completes within the constructed time limit.
watch(long, ListenableFuture<?>) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.watchdog.MixedTimeWatchdog
Watch a given ListenableFuture to ensure that it completes within the provided time limit.
watch(Supplier<Boolean>, ListenableFuture<?>) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.watchdog.PollingWatchdog
Watch a given ListenableFuture to ensure that it completes within the constructed time limit.
watch(ListenableFuture<?>, long) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.future.WatchdogCache
Please re-order arguments to use, ListenableFuture)
watch(Supplier<Boolean>) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.Poller
Watch suppliers returned condition.
watch(Future<? extends T>) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.Poller
Convert a conventional Future into a ListenableFuture.
Watchdog - Class in org.threadly.concurrent.future
Moved and renamed to ConstantTimeWatchdog
Watchdog(long, boolean) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.future.Watchdog
Constructs a new Watchdog.
Watchdog(SubmitterScheduler, long, boolean) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.future.Watchdog
Constructs a new Watchdog with a scheduler of your choosing.
WatchdogCache - Class in org.threadly.concurrent.future
WatchdogCache(boolean) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.future.WatchdogCache
WatchdogCache(SubmitterScheduler, boolean) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.future.WatchdogCache
Constructs a new WatchdogCache with a scheduler of your choosing.
WatchdogCache(SubmitterScheduler, boolean, long) - Constructor for class org.threadly.concurrent.future.WatchdogCache
Constructs a new WatchdogCache with a scheduler of your choosing.
wrapTask(Runnable) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.interceptor.ExecutorTaskInterceptor
Implementation to modify a provided task.
wrapTask(Runnable) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.interceptor.SubmitterSchedulerTaskInterceptor
wrapTask(Runnable, boolean) - Method in class org.threadly.concurrent.wrapper.interceptor.SubmitterSchedulerTaskInterceptor
Implementation to modify a provided task.
write(int) - Method in class org.threadly.util.StringBufferWriter
write(char[]) - Method in class org.threadly.util.StringBufferWriter
write(char[], int, int) - Method in class org.threadly.util.StringBufferWriter
write(int) - Method in class org.threadly.util.StringBuilderWriter
write(char[]) - Method in class org.threadly.util.StringBuilderWriter
write(char[], int, int) - Method in class org.threadly.util.StringBuilderWriter
writeStackTo(Throwable, StringBuilder) - Static method in class org.threadly.util.ExceptionUtils
Formats and writes a throwable's stack trace to a provided StringBuilder.
writeStackTo(Throwable, StringBuffer) - Static method in class org.threadly.util.ExceptionUtils
Formats and writes a throwable's stack trace to a provided StringBuffer.
writeStackTo(Throwable, Writer) - Static method in class org.threadly.util.ExceptionUtils
Formats and writes a throwable's stack trace to a provided Writer.
writeStackTo(StackTraceElement[], StringBuilder) - Static method in class org.threadly.util.ExceptionUtils
Writes the stack to the provided StringBuilder.
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