See: Description
Interface | Description |
BlockingQueueConsumer.ConsumerAcceptor<T> |
Interface for an implementation which can accept consumed tasks.
CallableContainer<T> |
Interface to implement if any classes are containing a callable.
PrioritySchedulerService |
This interface represents schedulers which can not only execute and schedule tasks, but run
based off a given priority as well.
RunnableContainer |
Interface to implement if any classes are containing a runnable.
SchedulerService |
This interface adds some more advanced features to a scheduler that are more service oriented.
SubmitterExecutor |
A thread pool for executing tasks with provided futures.
SubmitterScheduler |
A thread pool for scheduling tasks with provided futures.
UnfairExecutor.TaskStripeGenerator |
Strategy for taking in a task and producing a long which will be translated to which thread
the task should be distributed on to.
Class | Description |
AbstractPriorityScheduler |
Abstract implementation for implementations of
PrioritySchedulerService . |
AbstractSubmitterExecutor |
Since the conversion to a
SubmitterExecutor from an executor is often the same (just
using the ListenableFutureTask to wrap the task). |
AbstractSubmitterScheduler |
Similar to the
AbstractSubmitterExecutor this abstract class is designed to reduce code
duplication for the multiple schedule functions. |
BlockingQueueConsumer<T> |
Producer consumer problems are very frequent within multi-threaded code.
CentralThreadlyPool |
Threadly's centrally provided pool manager.
ConfigurableThreadFactory |
Implementation of
ThreadFactory which is configurable for the most common use cases. |
ContainerHelper |
Class which is designed to help with determining if a Runnable or Callable is contained at some
point within a chain of
CallableContainer or RunnableContainer . |
DoNothingRunnable |
Runnable implementation which does no action. |
NoThreadScheduler |
Executor which has no threads itself.
Poller |
Simple class for watching a condition and getting notified when a state has changed.
PriorityScheduler |
Executor to run tasks, schedule tasks.
ReschedulingOperation |
Abstract implementation for more complicated recurring behavior.
RunnableCallableAdapter<T> |
Converts a
Runnable with a result into a Callable . |
RunnableChain |
A class to chain multiple runnables to later be run together, within the same thread.
SameThreadSubmitterExecutor |
SubmitterExecutor that will run all provided tasks immediately in the same thread
that is calling into it. |
SchedulingUtils |
Class for helping calculate the offset for scheduling tasks.
SingleThreadScheduler |
A simple and light weight implementation of the
SchedulerService . |
ThreadReferencingThreadFactory |
A thread factory which keeps a
WeakReference to each thread. |
UnfairExecutor |
A very high performance
SubmitterExecutor implementation. |
UnfairExecutor.AtomicStripeGenerator |
Stripe generator which will round robin distribute tasks to threads.
UnfairExecutor.TaskHashXorTimeStripeGenerator |
Generator which will determine the task stripe by using the identity hash of the runnable and
Clock.lastKnownTimeNanos() . |
Enum | Description |
TaskPriority |
Priority to go with tasks when being submitted into implementations of
PrioritySchedulerService . |