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advance(long) - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestableScheduler
This is to provide a convince when advancing the scheduler forward an explicit amount of time.
advance(long, ExceptionHandler) - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestableScheduler
This is to provide a convince when advancing the scheduler forward an explicit amount of time.
assertEquals(Object, Object) - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.AsyncVerifier
Verifies that the passed in values are equal using the o1.equals(o2) relationship.
assertFalse(boolean) - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.AsyncVerifier
Verifies that the passed in condition is false.
assertNotNull(Object) - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.AsyncVerifier
Verifies that the passed in object is not null.
assertNull(Object) - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.AsyncVerifier
Verifies that the passed in object is null.
assertTrue(boolean) - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.AsyncVerifier
Verifies that the passed in condition is true.
AsyncVerifier - Class in org.threadly.test.concurrent
A simple class for verifying multi-threaded unit tests.
AsyncVerifier() - Constructor for class org.threadly.test.concurrent.AsyncVerifier
Constructs a new AsyncVerifier.
AsyncVerifier.TestFailure - Exception in org.threadly.test.concurrent
Exception to represent a failure in a test assertion.


BlockingTestRunnable - Class in org.threadly.test.concurrent
An implementation of TestRunnable which will initially block the running thread with Object.wait() when BlockingTestRunnable.handleRunStart() is invoked.
BlockingTestRunnable() - Constructor for class org.threadly.test.concurrent.BlockingTestRunnable
blockTillClockAdvances() - Static method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestUtils
Blocks until the System clock advances at least 1 millisecond.
blockTillFinished() - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestRunnable
Blocks until run has completed at least once.
blockTillFinished(int) - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestRunnable
Blocks until run has completed at least once.
blockTillFinished(int, int) - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestRunnable
Blocks until run completed been called the provided quantity of times.
blockTillStarted() - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestRunnable
Blocks until run has been called at least once.
blockTillStarted(int) - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestRunnable
Blocks until run has been called at least once.
blockTillTrue() - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestCondition
Blocks till condition is true, useful for asynchronism operations, waiting for them to complete in other threads during unit tests.
blockTillTrue(int) - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestCondition
Blocks till condition is true, useful for asynchronism operations, waiting for them to complete in other threads during unit tests.
blockTillTrue(int, int) - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestCondition
Blocks till condition is true, useful for asynchronism operations, waiting for them to complete in other threads during unit tests.


clearTasks() - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestableScheduler
Removes any tasks waiting to be run.
ConditionTimeoutException() - Constructor for exception org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestCondition.ConditionTimeoutException
Constructor for new TimeoutException.
ConditionTimeoutException(String) - Constructor for exception org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestCondition.ConditionTimeoutException
Constructor for new TimeoutException.


execute(Runnable) - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestableScheduler
execute(Runnable, TaskPriority) - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestableScheduler


fail() - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.AsyncVerifier
Marks a failure with no cause.
fail(String) - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.AsyncVerifier
Marks a failure with a specified message.
fail(Throwable) - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.AsyncVerifier
Marks a failure with a specified throwable cause.


get() - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestCondition
Getter for the conditions current state.
getActiveTaskCount() - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestableScheduler
getCreationTime() - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestRunnable
Returns the millis returned from Clock.accurateForwardProgressingMillis(), that was recorded when this runnable was constructed.
getDefaultPriority() - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestableScheduler
getDelayTillFirstRun() - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestRunnable
This function blocks till the first run completes then will return the time until the first run started it's call.
getDelayTillNextTask() - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestableScheduler
Checks how long till the next task will be ready to execute.
getDelayTillRun(int) - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestRunnable
This function blocks till the run provided, and then gets the time between creation and a given run.
getDelayTillRun(int, int) - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestRunnable
This function blocks till the run provided, and then gets the time between creation and a given run.
getLastTickTime() - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestableScheduler
Returns the last provided time to the tick call.
getMaxWaitForLowPriority() - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestableScheduler
getQueuedTaskCount() - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestableScheduler
getQueuedTaskCount(TaskPriority) - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestableScheduler
getRunCount() - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestRunnable
Getter for the number of times the run function has completed.
getRunDelayInMillis() - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestRunnable
Getter for the currently set amount of time the TestRunnable will block after TestRunnable.handleRunStart() and before TestRunnable.handleRunFinish() is called.
getWaitingForExecutionTaskCount() - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestableScheduler
getWaitingForExecutionTaskCount(TaskPriority) - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestableScheduler


handleRunFinish() - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestRunnable
Function to be overloaded by extending classes if more data or operations need to happen at the run point.
handleRunStart() - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.BlockingTestRunnable
handleRunStart() - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestRunnable
Function to be overloaded by extending classes if more data or operations need to happen at the run point.
hasTaskReadyToRun() - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestableScheduler
Checks if there are tasks ready to be run on the scheduler.


isRunning() - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestRunnable
Check to see if the run function has started but has not completed returned yet.
isShutdown() - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestableScheduler
isUnblocked() - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.BlockingTestRunnable
Check if the task has been unblocked yet.


org.threadly.test.concurrent - package org.threadly.test.concurrent
Tools used for unit testing concurrent software.


ranConcurrently() - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestRunnable
Check if this instance has ever been detected to run concurrently.
ranOnce() - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestRunnable
Getter to check if the runnable has run exactly once.
remove(Runnable) - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestableScheduler
remove(Callable<?>) - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestableScheduler
run() - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestRunnable


schedule(Runnable, long) - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestableScheduler
schedule(Runnable, long, TaskPriority) - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestableScheduler
scheduleAtFixedRate(Runnable, long, long) - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestableScheduler
scheduleAtFixedRate(Runnable, long, long, TaskPriority) - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestableScheduler
scheduleWithFixedDelay(Runnable, long, long) - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestableScheduler
scheduleWithFixedDelay(Runnable, long, long, TaskPriority) - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestableScheduler
setRunDelayInMillis(int) - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestRunnable
Changes the amount of time the runnable will sleep/block when called.
signalComplete() - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.AsyncVerifier
Call to indicate that this thread has finished, and should notify the waiting main test thread that the test may be complete.
sleep(long) - Static method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestUtils
Since sleeps are sometimes necessary, this makes an easy way to ignore InterruptedException's.
submit(Callable<T>) - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestableScheduler
submit(Runnable, T) - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestableScheduler
submit(Callable<T>, TaskPriority) - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestableScheduler
submit(Runnable, T, TaskPriority) - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestableScheduler
submitScheduled(Callable<T>, long) - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestableScheduler
submitScheduled(Runnable, T, long) - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestableScheduler
submitScheduled(Callable<T>, long, TaskPriority) - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestableScheduler
submitScheduled(Runnable, T, long, TaskPriority) - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestableScheduler


TestableScheduler - Class in org.threadly.test.concurrent
This differs from NoThreadScheduler in that time is ONLY advanced via the tick calls.
TestableScheduler() - Constructor for class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestableScheduler
Constructs a new TestableScheduler scheduler.
TestableScheduler(TaskPriority, long) - Constructor for class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestableScheduler
Constructs a new TestableScheduler scheduler.
TestCondition - Class in org.threadly.test.concurrent
TestCondition in unit test, designed to check a condition for something that is happening in a different thread.
TestCondition() - Constructor for class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestCondition
This constructor is expected to have TestCondition.get() overridden, otherwise an exception will be thrown when this condition is checked/used.
TestCondition(Supplier<Boolean>) - Constructor for class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestCondition
Construct a new TestCondition with a provided supplier for when the state changes.
TestCondition(Supplier<? extends T>, Predicate<? super T>) - Constructor for class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestCondition
Construct a new TestCondition where one function will supply a result and a second function will test that result to see if the condition is met.
TestCondition.ConditionTimeoutException - Exception in org.threadly.test.concurrent
Thrown if condition is still false after a given timeout.
TestRunnable - Class in org.threadly.test.concurrent
Generic runnable implementation that can be used in unit tests for verifying execution occurred.
TestRunnable() - Constructor for class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestRunnable
Constructs a new runnable for unit testing.
TestRunnable(int) - Constructor for class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestRunnable
Constructs a new runnable for unit testing.
TestUtils - Class in org.threadly.test.concurrent
Generic tools to be used in unit testing.
TestUtils() - Constructor for class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestUtils
tick() - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestableScheduler
Progresses tasks for the current time.
tick(ExceptionHandler) - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestableScheduler
Progresses tasks for the current time.
tick(long) - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestableScheduler
This progresses tasks based off the time provided.
tick(long, ExceptionHandler) - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.TestableScheduler
This progresses tasks based off the time provided.


unblock() - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.BlockingTestRunnable
Invoke to unblock any current or future executions for this TestRunnable.


waitForTest() - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.AsyncVerifier
Waits for a default of 10 seconds, or until signalComplete has been called once, or until a failure occurs.
waitForTest(long) - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.AsyncVerifier
Waits a specified amount of time, or until signalComplete has been called once, or until a failure occurs.
waitForTest(long, int) - Method in class org.threadly.test.concurrent.AsyncVerifier
Waits a specified amount of time, or until signalComplete has been called a specified amount of times, or until a failure occurs.
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