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AuroraArc 0.16 released Post Yesterday AuroraArc version 0.16 was released to maven central. This version only includes an update of our dependent artifacts. Notably this requires the minimum supported JVM version to be increased to 11+, but also brings in compatibility with JDK17. Speaking broadly AuroraArc is basically ready for a 1.0 release. However...
AuroraArc 0.15 released Post Version 0.15 of auroraArc was released today. This improves the replica weight configuration so that now weights for currently un-known servers can be pre-configured. Hopefully making the feature easier to use by being less precise in when configuration is applied. In addition version 0.14 was not deployed to maven central...
AuroraArc 0.14 released Post The new 0.14 version of auroraArc provides a long wanted feature to be able to weight servers in how they may be randomly chosen. Details about this and the other changes included are listed on the release details. The ability to set a server weight at runtime allows for...
AuroraArc 0.13 released Post The newly released 0.13 of auroraArc marks a notable improvement in reliability when a replica is an unhealthy state but being unused. It adds additional state setting cases to the connections which it ignores. When the connection is actually used for a query or other server side change then the...