Class PrioritySchedulerStatisticTracker

    • Constructor Detail

      • PrioritySchedulerStatisticTracker

        public PrioritySchedulerStatisticTracker​(int poolSize)
        Constructs a new thread pool, though no threads will be started till it accepts it's first request. This constructs a default priority of high (which makes sense for most use cases). It also defaults low priority worker wait as 500ms. It also defaults to all newly created threads being daemon threads.

        This defaults to inaccurate time. Meaning that durations and delays may under report (but NEVER OVER what they actually were). This has the least performance impact. If you want more accurate time consider using one of the constructors that accepts a boolean for accurate time.

        poolSize - Thread pool size that should be maintained
      • PrioritySchedulerStatisticTracker

        public PrioritySchedulerStatisticTracker​(int poolSize,
                                                 boolean useDaemonThreads)
        Constructs a new thread pool, though no threads will be started till it accepts it's first request. This constructs a default priority of high (which makes sense for most use cases). It also defaults low priority worker wait as 500ms.

        This defaults to inaccurate time. Meaning that durations and delays may under report (but NEVER OVER what they actually were). This has the least performance impact. If you want more accurate time consider using one of the constructors that accepts a boolean for accurate time.

        poolSize - Thread pool size that should be maintained
        useDaemonThreads - true if newly created threads should be daemon
      • PrioritySchedulerStatisticTracker

        public PrioritySchedulerStatisticTracker​(int poolSize,
                                                 TaskPriority defaultPriority,
                                                 long maxWaitForLowPriorityInMs)
        Constructs a new thread pool, though no threads will be started till it accepts it's first request. This provides the extra parameters to tune what tasks submitted without a priority will be scheduled as. As well as the maximum wait for low priority tasks. The longer low priority tasks wait for a worker, the less chance they will have to create a thread. But it also makes low priority tasks execution time less predictable.

        This defaults to inaccurate time. Meaning that durations and delays may under report (but NEVER OVER what they actually were). This has the least performance impact. If you want more accurate time consider using one of the constructors that accepts a boolean for accurate time.

        poolSize - Thread pool size that should be maintained
        defaultPriority - priority to give tasks which do not specify it
        maxWaitForLowPriorityInMs - time low priority tasks wait for a worker
      • PrioritySchedulerStatisticTracker

        public PrioritySchedulerStatisticTracker​(int poolSize,
                                                 TaskPriority defaultPriority,
                                                 long maxWaitForLowPriorityInMs,
                                                 boolean useDaemonThreads)
        Constructs a new thread pool, though no threads will be started till it accepts it's first request. This provides the extra parameters to tune what tasks submitted without a priority will be scheduled as. As well as the maximum wait for low priority tasks. The longer low priority tasks wait for a worker, the less chance they will have to create a thread. But it also makes low priority tasks execution time less predictable.

        This defaults to inaccurate time. Meaning that durations and delays may under report (but NEVER OVER what they actually were). This has the least performance impact. If you want more accurate time consider using one of the constructors that accepts a boolean for accurate time.

        poolSize - Thread pool size that should be maintained
        defaultPriority - priority to give tasks which do not specify it
        maxWaitForLowPriorityInMs - time low priority tasks wait for a worker
        useDaemonThreads - true if newly created threads should be daemon
      • PrioritySchedulerStatisticTracker

        public PrioritySchedulerStatisticTracker​(int poolSize,
                                                 TaskPriority defaultPriority,
                                                 long maxWaitForLowPriorityInMs,
                                                 java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory threadFactory)
        Constructs a new thread pool, though no threads will be started till it accepts it's first request. This provides the extra parameters to tune what tasks submitted without a priority will be scheduled as. As well as the maximum wait for low priority tasks. The longer low priority tasks wait for a worker, the less chance they will have to create a thread. But it also makes low priority tasks execution time less predictable. This will by default start threads for TaskPriority.Low and higher priority tasks.

        This defaults to inaccurate time. Meaning that durations and delays may under report (but NEVER OVER what they actually were). This has the least performance impact. If you want more accurate time consider using one of the constructors that accepts a boolean for accurate time.

        poolSize - Thread pool size that should be maintained
        defaultPriority - priority to give tasks which do not specify it
        maxWaitForLowPriorityInMs - time low priority tasks wait for a worker
        threadFactory - thread factory for producing new threads within executor
      • PrioritySchedulerStatisticTracker

        public PrioritySchedulerStatisticTracker​(int poolSize,
                                                 TaskPriority defaultPriority,
                                                 long maxWaitForLowPriorityInMs,
                                                 boolean stavableStartsThreads,
                                                 java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory threadFactory)
        Constructs a new thread pool, though no threads will be started till it accepts it's first request. This provides the extra parameters to tune what tasks submitted without a priority will be scheduled as. As well as the maximum wait for low priority tasks. The longer low priority tasks wait for a worker, the less chance they will have to create a thread. But it also makes low priority tasks execution time less predictable.

        This defaults to inaccurate time. Meaning that durations and delays may under report (but NEVER OVER what they actually were). This has the least performance impact. If you want more accurate time consider using one of the constructors that accepts a boolean for accurate time.

        poolSize - Thread pool size that should be maintained
        defaultPriority - priority to give tasks which do not specify it
        maxWaitForLowPriorityInMs - time low priority tasks wait for a worker
        stavableStartsThreads - true to have TaskPriority.Starvable tasks start new threads
        threadFactory - thread factory for producing new threads within executor
      • PrioritySchedulerStatisticTracker

        public PrioritySchedulerStatisticTracker​(int poolSize,
                                                 int maxStatisticWindowSize,
                                                 boolean accurateTime)
        Constructs a new thread pool, though no threads will be started till it accepts it's first request. This constructs a default priority of high (which makes sense for most use cases). It also defaults low priority worker wait as 500ms. It also defaults to all newly created threads being daemon threads.
        poolSize - Thread pool size that should be maintained
        maxStatisticWindowSize - maximum number of samples to keep internally
        accurateTime - true to ensure that delays and durations are not under reported
      • PrioritySchedulerStatisticTracker

        public PrioritySchedulerStatisticTracker​(int poolSize,
                                                 boolean useDaemonThreads,
                                                 int maxStatisticWindowSize,
                                                 boolean accurateTime)
        Constructs a new thread pool, though no threads will be started till it accepts it's first request. This constructs a default priority of high (which makes sense for most use cases). It also defaults low priority worker wait as 500ms.
        poolSize - Thread pool size that should be maintained
        useDaemonThreads - true if newly created threads should be daemon
        maxStatisticWindowSize - maximum number of samples to keep internally
        accurateTime - true to ensure that delays and durations are not under reported
      • PrioritySchedulerStatisticTracker

        public PrioritySchedulerStatisticTracker​(int poolSize,
                                                 TaskPriority defaultPriority,
                                                 long maxWaitForLowPriorityInMs,
                                                 int maxStatisticWindowSize,
                                                 boolean accurateTime)
        Constructs a new thread pool, though no threads will be started till it accepts it's first request. This provides the extra parameters to tune what tasks submitted without a priority will be scheduled as. As well as the maximum wait for low priority tasks. The longer low priority tasks wait for a worker, the less chance they will have to create a thread. But it also makes low priority tasks execution time less predictable.
        poolSize - Thread pool size that should be maintained
        defaultPriority - priority to give tasks which do not specify it
        maxWaitForLowPriorityInMs - time low priority tasks wait for a worker
        maxStatisticWindowSize - maximum number of samples to keep internally
        accurateTime - true to ensure that delays and durations are not under reported
      • PrioritySchedulerStatisticTracker

        public PrioritySchedulerStatisticTracker​(int poolSize,
                                                 TaskPriority defaultPriority,
                                                 long maxWaitForLowPriorityInMs,
                                                 boolean useDaemonThreads,
                                                 int maxStatisticWindowSize,
                                                 boolean accurateTime)
        Constructs a new thread pool, though no threads will be started till it accepts it's first request. This provides the extra parameters to tune what tasks submitted without a priority will be scheduled as. As well as the maximum wait for low priority tasks. The longer low priority tasks wait for a worker, the less chance they will have to create a thread. But it also makes low priority tasks execution time less predictable. This will by default start threads for TaskPriority.Low and higher priority tasks.
        poolSize - Thread pool size that should be maintained
        defaultPriority - priority to give tasks which do not specify it
        maxWaitForLowPriorityInMs - time low priority tasks wait for a worker
        useDaemonThreads - true if newly created threads should be daemon
        maxStatisticWindowSize - maximum number of samples to keep internally
        accurateTime - true to ensure that delays and durations are not under reported
      • PrioritySchedulerStatisticTracker

        public PrioritySchedulerStatisticTracker​(int poolSize,
                                                 TaskPriority defaultPriority,
                                                 long maxWaitForLowPriorityInMs,
                                                 java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory threadFactory,
                                                 int maxStatisticWindowSize,
                                                 boolean accurateTime)
        Constructs a new thread pool, though no threads will be started till it accepts it's first request. This provides the extra parameters to tune what tasks submitted without a priority will be scheduled as. As well as the maximum wait for low priority tasks. The longer low priority tasks wait for a worker, the less chance they will have to create a thread. But it also makes low priority tasks execution time less predictable. This will by default start threads for TaskPriority.Low and higher priority tasks.
        poolSize - Thread pool size that should be maintained
        defaultPriority - priority to give tasks which do not specify it
        maxWaitForLowPriorityInMs - time low priority tasks wait for a worker
        threadFactory - thread factory for producing new threads within executor
        maxStatisticWindowSize - maximum number of samples to keep internally
        accurateTime - true to ensure that delays and durations are not under reported
      • PrioritySchedulerStatisticTracker

        public PrioritySchedulerStatisticTracker​(int poolSize,
                                                 TaskPriority defaultPriority,
                                                 long maxWaitForLowPriorityInMs,
                                                 boolean stavableStartsThreads,
                                                 java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory threadFactory,
                                                 int maxStatisticWindowSize,
                                                 boolean accurateTime)
        Constructs a new thread pool, though no threads will be started till it accepts it's first request. This provides the extra parameters to tune what tasks submitted without a priority will be scheduled as. As well as the maximum wait for low priority tasks. The longer low priority tasks wait for a worker, the less chance they will have to create a thread. But it also makes low priority tasks execution time less predictable.
        poolSize - Thread pool size that should be maintained
        defaultPriority - priority to give tasks which do not specify it
        maxWaitForLowPriorityInMs - time low priority tasks wait for a worker
        stavableStartsThreads - true to have TaskPriority.Starvable tasks start new threads
        threadFactory - thread factory for producing new threads within executor
        maxStatisticWindowSize - maximum number of samples to keep internally
        accurateTime - true to ensure that delays and durations are not under reported
    • Method Detail

      • shutdownNow

        public java.util.List<java.lang.Runnable> shutdownNow()
        Description copied from class: PriorityScheduler
        Stops any new tasks from being able to be executed and removes workers from the pool.

        This implementation refuses new submissions after this call. And will NOT interrupt any tasks which are currently running. However any tasks which are waiting in queue to be run (but have not started yet), will not be run. Those waiting tasks will be removed, and as workers finish with their current tasks the threads will be joined.

        shutdownNow in class PriorityScheduler
        List of runnables which were waiting to execute
      • scheduleWithFixedDelay

        public void scheduleWithFixedDelay​(java.lang.Runnable task,
                                           long initialDelay,
                                           long recurringDelay,
                                           TaskPriority priority)
        Description copied from interface: PrioritySchedulerService
        Schedule a fixed delay recurring task to run. The recurring delay time will be from the point where execution has finished. So the execution frequency is the recurringDelay + runtime for the provided task.

        Unlike ScheduledExecutorService if the task throws an exception, subsequent executions are NOT suppressed or prevented. So if the task throws an exception on every run, the task will continue to be executed at the provided recurring delay (possibly throwing an exception on each execution).

        Specified by:
        scheduleWithFixedDelay in interface PrioritySchedulerService
        scheduleWithFixedDelay in class PriorityScheduler
        task - runnable to be executed
        initialDelay - delay in milliseconds until first run
        recurringDelay - delay in milliseconds for running task after last finish
        priority - priority for task to get available thread to run on
      • scheduleAtFixedRate

        public void scheduleAtFixedRate​(java.lang.Runnable task,
                                        long initialDelay,
                                        long period,
                                        TaskPriority priority)
        Description copied from interface: PrioritySchedulerService
        Schedule a fixed rate recurring task to run. The recurring delay will be the same, regardless of how long task execution takes. A given runnable will not run concurrently (unless it is submitted to the scheduler multiple times). Instead of execution takes longer than the period, the next run will occur immediately (given thread availability in the pool).

        Unlike ScheduledExecutorService if the task throws an exception, subsequent executions are NOT suppressed or prevented. So if the task throws an exception on every run, the task will continue to be executed at the provided recurring delay (possibly throwing an exception on each execution).

        Specified by:
        scheduleAtFixedRate in interface PrioritySchedulerService
        scheduleAtFixedRate in class PriorityScheduler
        task - runnable to be executed
        initialDelay - delay in milliseconds until first run
        period - amount of time in milliseconds between the start of recurring executions
        priority - priority for task to get available thread to run on
      • getAverageExecutionDelay

        public double getAverageExecutionDelay​(TaskPriority priority)
        Description copied from interface: StatisticPriorityScheduler
        Gets the average delay from when the task is ready, to when it is actually executed. This will only inspect the times for a specific priority.
        Specified by:
        getAverageExecutionDelay in interface StatisticPriorityScheduler
        priority - Specific task priority which statistics should be calculated against
        Average delay for tasks to be executed in milliseconds
      • getExecutionDelayPercentiles

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.Double,​java.lang.Long> getExecutionDelayPercentiles​(double... percentiles)
        Description copied from interface: StatisticPriorityScheduler
        Gets percentile values for execution delays. This function accepts any decimal percentile between zero and one hundred.

        The returned map's keys correspond exactly to the percentiles provided. Iterating over the returned map will iterate in order of the requested percentiles as well.

        These percentiles are across all priorities combined into the same data set. If you want percentiles for a specific priority use StatisticPriorityScheduler.getExecutionDelayPercentiles(TaskPriority, double...).

        Specified by:
        getExecutionDelayPercentiles in interface StatisticExecutor
        Specified by:
        getExecutionDelayPercentiles in interface StatisticPriorityScheduler
        percentiles - Percentiles requested, any decimal values between 0 and 100 (inclusive)
        Map with keys being the percentiles requested, value being the execution delay in milliseconds
      • getExecutionDelayPercentiles

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.Double,​java.lang.Long> getExecutionDelayPercentiles​(TaskPriority priority,
                                                                                                 double... percentiles)
        Description copied from interface: StatisticPriorityScheduler
        Gets percentile values for execution delays. This function accepts any decimal percentile between zero and one hundred.

        The returned map's keys correspond exactly to the percentiles provided. Iterating over the returned map will iterate in order of the requested percentiles as well.

        Specified by:
        getExecutionDelayPercentiles in interface StatisticPriorityScheduler
        priority - Specific task priority which statistics should be calculated against
        percentiles - Percentiles requested, any decimal values between 0 and 100 (inclusive)
        Map with keys being the percentiles requested, value being the execution delay in milliseconds
      • getAverageExecutionDuration

        public double getAverageExecutionDuration​(TaskPriority priority)
        Description copied from interface: StatisticPriorityScheduler
        Get the average duration that tasks submitted through this executor have spent executing. This only reports samples from tasks which have completed (in-progress tasks are not considered).
        Specified by:
        getAverageExecutionDuration in interface StatisticPriorityScheduler
        priority - Specific task priority which statistics should be calculated against
        Average task execution duration in milliseconds
      • getExecutionDurationPercentiles

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.Double,​java.lang.Long> getExecutionDurationPercentiles​(double... percentiles)
        Description copied from interface: StatisticPriorityScheduler
        Gets percentile values for execution duration. This function accepts any decimal percentile between zero and one hundred.

        The returned map's keys correspond exactly to the percentiles provided. Iterating over the returned map will iterate in order of the requested percentiles as well.

        These percentiles are across all priorities combined into the same data set. If you want percentiles for a specific priority use StatisticPriorityScheduler.getExecutionDurationPercentiles(TaskPriority, double...).

        Specified by:
        getExecutionDurationPercentiles in interface StatisticExecutor
        Specified by:
        getExecutionDurationPercentiles in interface StatisticPriorityScheduler
        percentiles - Percentiles requested, any decimal values between 0 and 100 (inclusive)
        Map with keys being the percentiles requested, value being the execution duration in milliseconds
      • getExecutionDurationPercentiles

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.Double,​java.lang.Long> getExecutionDurationPercentiles​(TaskPriority priority,
                                                                                                    double... percentiles)
        Description copied from interface: StatisticPriorityScheduler
        Gets percentile values for execution duration. This function accepts any decimal percentile between zero and one hundred.

        The returned map's keys correspond exactly to the percentiles provided. Iterating over the returned map will iterate in order of the requested percentiles as well.

        Specified by:
        getExecutionDurationPercentiles in interface StatisticPriorityScheduler
        priority - Specific task priority which statistics should be calculated against
        percentiles - Percentiles requested, any decimal values between 0 and 100 (inclusive)
        Map with keys being the percentiles requested, value being the execution duration in milliseconds
      • getLongRunningTasks

        public java.util.List<Pair<java.lang.Runnable,​java.lang.StackTraceElement[]>> getLongRunningTasks​(long durationLimitMillis)
        Description copied from interface: StatisticExecutor
        Call to get a list of runnables and stack traces from tasks which have been actively executing for a longer duration than the one provided. Time in queue waiting for execution is not considered as part of the execution duration.

        If only the quantity of long running tasks is needed, please use StatisticExecutor.getLongRunningTasksQty(long). Since it does not need to generate stack traces it is a cheaper alternative.

        The left side of the Pair is the runnable task submitted. If the task was submitted as a Callable the Runnable will be of type: ListenableFutureTask. Casting and invoking ListenableFutureTask.getContainedCallable() will allow you to get to your original Callable.

        The right side of the Pair is a single sample of what that long running tasks stack was. Because these tasks are running concurrently by the time this function returns the provided tasks may have completed.

        Specified by:
        getLongRunningTasks in interface StatisticExecutor
        durationLimitMillis - Limit for tasks execution, if task execution time is below this they will be ignored
        List of long running runnables with their corresponding stack traces
      • getLongRunningTasksQty

        public int getLongRunningTasksQty​(long durationLimitMillis)
        Description copied from interface: StatisticExecutor
        Call to return the number of tasks which have been running longer than the provided duration in milliseconds. While iterating over running tasks, it may be possible that some previously examine tasks have completed before this ran. There is no attempt to lock tasks from starting or stopping during this check.
        Specified by:
        getLongRunningTasksQty in interface StatisticExecutor
        durationLimitMillis - threshold of time in milliseconds a task must have been executing
        total quantity of tasks which have or are running longer than the provided time length
      • resetCollectedStats

        public void resetCollectedStats()
        Description copied from interface: StatisticExecutor
        Clears all collected rolling statistics. These are the statistics used for averages and are limited by window sizes.

        This does NOT reset the total execution counts.

        Specified by:
        resetCollectedStats in interface StatisticExecutor
      • getTotalExecutionCount

        public long getTotalExecutionCount()
        Description copied from interface: StatisticExecutor
        Call to get the total quantity of tasks this executor has handled.
        Specified by:
        getTotalExecutionCount in interface StatisticExecutor
        total quantity of tasks run
      • getTotalExecutionCount

        public long getTotalExecutionCount​(TaskPriority priority)
        Description copied from interface: StatisticPriorityScheduler
        Call to get the total quantity of tasks this executor has handled for a specific priority.
        Specified by:
        getTotalExecutionCount in interface StatisticPriorityScheduler
        priority - Specific task priority which statistics should be calculated against
        total quantity of tasks run